Bulletin No. 2, 2016
News in Brief 41 CUHK Acknowledged as Family-Friendly Employer CUHK received three awards in the 2015–16 Family-Friendly Employers Scheme organized by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Family Council. They are the ‘Distinguished Family-Friendly Employers 2015–16’, ‘Family-Friendly Employers 2015–16’ and ‘Award for Breastfeeding Support 2015–16’. CUHK shows its care for staff members and their families in both personnel po lici e s and s t af f benefit s . The University established various groups, such as the ‘Committee on Positive Workplace and Staff Development’ and the ‘Task Force on Women and Family-Friendly Policies’, to implement a series of family-friendly policies. It makes special arrangements for the convenience of breastfeeding mothers, provides medical protection for staff and their families, and implements additional leaves, such as adoption and bereavement leaves, and leave on a no-paybasis. Cerebrovascular Expert Honoured for Developing Therapy for Stroke Survivors Prof. Wong Ka-sing Lawrence, Professor in Neurology of the Faculty of Medicine, received the WSO President’s Award for Services to Stroke in October at the biennial World Stroke Congress, for the contribution of him and his team to stroke research. In 1998, Professor Wong first discovered that narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain (intracranial atherosclerosis) was the most common cause of stroke in the Chinese population. In 2002, his team delineated the mechanisms of stroke associated with intracranial atherosclerosis as tiny blood clots (microembolism) flowing in the artery. In recent years, the team has developed an innovative approach, namely ‘Pulse-Magnetic-Stimulation (PMS)’, the world’s first attempt to combine external counterpulsation, intermittent theta burst magnetic stimulation to treat brain damage of stroke survivors. It is hoped that PMS alongside physiotherapy will help stroke patients to recover their upper limb mobility.
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