Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2006

20 Chinese University Bulletin Spring • Summer 2006 New Dean of Science Prof. KwanHoi-shan of the Department of Biology has been elected dean of science for a term of office of three years from 1 August 2006 to 31 July 2009. Prof. Henry Wong and Prof. Fung Kwok Pui have been reappointed as heads of New Asia College and United College respectively for three years from 1 August 2006. University Members Honoured Prof. Clive Cockram, professor of medicine, received the Insignia or Memorabilia of People’s Health from the Ministry of Health, Vietnam, on 21 February 2006. The award was given for services to the health of people in Vietnam spanning a period of five years and in relation to diabetes. • Council News Appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor The University Council has appointed Prof. Ching Pak Chung, professor of electronic engineering and head of Shaw College, as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University, for two years from 1 August 2006. Reappointment of College Heads Prof. Cockram ( centre ) with the Vice-Minister of Health in Vietnam ( right ) and another award recipient, Dr. Gauden Galea, WHO regional adviser in non-communicable disease ( From left ) Prof. Hak-fun Chow, Prof. Jie Huang, and Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo Three research academics from the University were presented the prestigious Senior Research Fellowships of The Croucher Foundation on 28 March 2006, in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the international scientific community. They were Prof. Hak-fun Chow (Department of Chemistry), Prof. Jie Huang (Department of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering), and •