Newsletter No. 15
cuHK Newsletter No. 15 Feb.1991 Siu-lien L i ng Wong Visi t ing Fel low 1990-91 Prof. Hu Fu, an expert in constitutionalism and political behaviour studies, visited Chung Chi College as its Siu-lien Ling Wong Visiting Fellow from 19th to 30th January 1991. A law graduate of the National Taiwan University and a master of arts in politics of Emory University in the USA, Prof. Hu has been research fellow and visiting scholar at several leading universities in the States including Yale University, the University of Chicago and Columbia University. He has taught at the National Taiwan University since 1961 , and was at one time a research fellow of the National Science Council of the Executive Yuan in Taiwan and an administrator in the Academia Sinica, Taipei. During his 12-day visit, Prof. Hu took part in many college activities organized for staff and students and conducted a public lecture on 'Value Orientation of Democracy’ on 25th January. He also participated as a guest speaker in Chung Chi College's annual education conference on ‘Democracy and Chinese Societies' held on 26th January. Six Students Awarded Kwong On Bank Scholarships The Kwong On Bank Jubilee Charity Fund Ltd. has recently set up a scholarship scheme at the University to provide annually six scholarships of HK$ 10,000 each for outstanding students in business administration and economics. The scholarship winners this year are Miss Fong Wan-huen, Miss Lo Sui-yee, Miss Cheung Man-see, Mr. Pou Hak-wan, Mr. Chan Yiu-fai and Mr. Loo Sin-kwan. Professor o f Anatomy Gives Inaugural Lecture Prof. J. A. Gosling gave his inaugural lecture on ‘The Discipline of Human Anatomy 一 Historical Milestones, Current Status and Future Prospects' on 25th January. In his lecture Prof. Gosling traces the broad developments of the discipline of human anatomy since antiquity and describes the present status of the subject particularly in relation to tertiary education. He points out that in local universities, human topographical anatomy has administratively retained its direct links with other morphological sciences, and the subject of anatomy as a whole enjoys more advantages here in Hong Kong than in the UK or North America, where it has been dissected and stripped of its valuable component parts. He believes the local model is one to which other universities around the world will have to return. Services to the Community and International Organizations • Prof. Ranee Pui-leung Lee, professor of sociology, has been appointed amember of the Working Party on Rehabilitation Policies and Services by HE the Governor from January 1991. Prof. Lee has also been invited to serve on the Advisory Board of Shue Yan College for three years from 1st April 1991. • Prof. Thomas C. W. Mak, professor of chemistry, has been appointed a member of the Research Grants Council by HE the Governor for two years from 1st January 1991. • Dr. Agnes Ng, senior lecturer in social work, has been appointed a member of the Social Welfare Advisory Committee by HE the Governor for one year from 1st December 1990. • Mr. Tsim Tak-lung, director of The Chinese University Press, has been appointed a member of the Education Commission by HE the Governor for one year from 1st January 1991. • Prof. Liu Shu-hsien, professor of philosophy, has been invited to serve on a search committee for division heads in the School of Humanities and Social Science, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. • Dr. Chan Kai-Ming, reader in orthopaedics and traumatology, has been elected president of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association for 1991-92. • Prof. S. J. Oppenheimer, professor of paediatrics, has been invited to serve as: (a) honorary editor of the Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics published by the Hong Kong Paediatric Society; (b) council member of the Hong Kong College of Physician for the period October 1990 to April/May 1991; (c) a co-opted member of the executive committee of the Society for the Relief of Disabled Children for 1990-91; and (d) honorary clinical supervisor of the paediatrics component of the vocational training in general practice of the Hong Kong College of General Practitioners for 1990-91. • Dr. Leung Yee, reader in geography, has been invited to serve as an editorial board member of Geographical Systems: The European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Geography. Dr. Leung has also been listed in Edition Two of 5,000 Personalities of the World published by the American Biographical Institute. • Dr Y. C. Wong, reader in mathematics, has been appointed visiting professor of Zhongshan University, Guangzhou from January 1990 to December 1992. Dr. Wong was also invited to conduct a training course at the National Instructional Centre for Graduate Students in Mathematics, Zhongshan University in December 1990. (All information in this section is provided by the Information Office) 2
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