Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)
值得紀念的刻 MOMENT S To REMEMBER 就任校長(一九九六年十一月七曰) Installation as Vice-Chancellor (7t h Novembe r 1996 ) 李國章校長的就職典禮於一九九六年十 一月七日舉行。圖為李國章敎授從校董 會主席利國偉博士手上接過校長鈐章, 正式成為中大第四任校長。主持典禮者 為大學校監彭定康。 Prof. Arthur K.C. Li was formally installed as the fourth vice-chancellor of The Chinese University o f Hong Kong at the 51st Con- gregation held on 7th November 1996. Seen here is Prof. Li being presented the seal of vice-chancellorship b y Si r Quo-we i Lee , chairman of the University Council, in the presence of the Rt. Hon. Christopher Patten, Chancellor o f the University. 李國章校長與兩任校董會主席 合照(一九九七年十月廿三日) Vice-Chancellor Prof . Arthur Li posing with two successive Council Chairmen of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (23rd October 1997 ) 擔任中大校董會主席逹十五 年的利國偉博士(中)於一九 九七年十月廿三日榮休,並 慨允出任終身校董。圖為當 時的候任校董會主席利漢釗 博士(右)代表大學致送紀念 品予利國偉博士。 利國偉博士為創校司 庫,一九八二年開始出任校董會主席,服務大學校董會凡升四年,其間不斷医扶大學成長, 並為大學籌募數以億計捐款,對大學感情深厚,貢獻至鉅。 利漢釗博士自一九九七年十月廿四日開始接任校董會主席,致力促進大學於新世紀之發 展與革新。利博士本人及其家族自中大創校以來,一直鼎力支持大學’與中大淵源極深。 On 23rd October 1997, Dr. Lee Hon-chiu (right), chairman designate of the University Council, presented a University emblem to Dr. Lee Quo-wei (middle), who retired from Council chairmanship afte r 34 years of loyal and distinguished service on the University Council. His momentus contribution to The Chinese University was deeply appreciated by all members of the University, particularly the vice- chancellor. Dr. Lee Hon-chiu succeeded Dr. Lee Quo-wei as chairman of the Council on 24th October 1997 , and worked closely with the vice-chancellor i n leading The Chinese University to new heights in the new century . 中文大學校刊•特刊 Chines e Universit y Bulleti n • Specia l Supplemen t 36
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