Newsletter Summer Supplement (2002)
陳毅恒教授對統計學研究有卓越貢獻,他將時間序列應用於經濟學及金融範疇 上,並致力發展以統計模型進行財經運算及風險管理,有助財經機構如銀行及保險 公司作出準確的信貸風險評估,以及證券和股票投資市場的風險預測。 Prof. Chan Ngai-hang, professor of statistics, has been elected to fellowship at the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), an honour bestowed on those members who have made outstanding contributions to statistics research each year. Founded in 1935, IMS is an international professional and scholarly society devoted to the development, dissemination, and application of statistics and probability. The institute currently has about 3,000 members. Prof. Chan, a CUHK alumnus who later obtained his Ph.D. f r om the University of Maryland, was awarded the prestigious fellowship for his path- breaking contributions to the study of unstable time series, for the application of time series to economics and finance, and for the development of statistical programmes in computational finance and risk management. Roman Travelling Lecturer Prof. Christopher W. K. Lam, chairman o f the Department o f Chemi cal Pathology, has been i n v i t ed by the Australasian As soc i a t i on of C l i n i c al Biochemists ( A A C B ) to be its Roman T r ave l l i ng Lecturer for 2002. This lectureship, deemed a great honour in the f i e ld of chemical pathologists, is awarded for the first time to an Asian clinical biochemist since its inception. The AACB is a professional body of approximately 1,300 scientifically and medically qualified clinical biochemists, whose objectives are to advance the study and practice of clinical biochemistry and to disseminate knowledge of the principles o f c l i n i c al biochemistry. The two-week Roman T r ave l l i ng Lectureship is awarded annually by the AACB in commemoration of Dr. Wadim Roman who played a major role in the formation of the association in 1961 and who was president between 1964 and 1966. 胡秀英教授獲傑出大獎 中醫學榮譽講座教授胡秀英教授於七月八日獲香港女工商及專業人員聯會頒發 二零零二年度傑出大獎。 胡教授是全球公認的冬青科、蘭科、菊科等植物專家,發表超過一百六十篇專 題論文。她又參與中醫學院的「三冬茶」研究計劃,本年五月獲頒香港中文大學第 一屆榮譽院士銜。 崇基學院校董會新主席 New Chairman of the Chung Chi Board of Trustees 崇基學院校董會委任郭志樑先生為該院校董會主席、利德蓉博士為副主席、李 國星先生為司庫,任期由二零零二年八月一日起生效。 Mr. Ka rl C. Kwok was recently appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College. Dr. Deanna Lee Rudgard and Mr. Aubrey L i were appointed as the V i ce -Cha i r pe r son and the Treasurer of the Board respectively. The appointments took effect from 1st August 2002. 聯合書院新校董 聯合書院校董會宣布馮國培教授、殷巧兒女士、劉行榕教授(聯合書院院務委 員會代表)及李國忠先生(聯合書院校友會代表)獲選為書院新任校董’任期三 年,由二零零二年八月一日起生效。 一百四十二項計劃獲研究資助局撥款 RGC Research Grants for 2002-2003 香港研究資助局於二零零二至二零零三年度撥出四億二千八百餘萬元供各院校 教研人員競逐;另撥七千五百四十萬元直接資助各院校成本少於二十萬元的研究計 劃,二千五百萬元用以資助中央撥款計劃之下的集體研究計劃及加強院校之科研設 施,又劃撥一千一百八十萬元資助各項聯合研究計劃,以及八十萬元資助臨床醫學 研究資助計劃。 中大共有一百四十二項研究計劃取得競爭性撥款,資助金額共計九千二百七十 六萬餘元,另獲一千四百二十萬元直接撥款。 該一百四十二項研究計劃分屬生物學及醫學(五十三項)、工程學(三十項)、 自然科學(廿一項)和人文、社會科學及商科(三十八項),詳見研究及科技事務 處的網頁 ( ) 。 A total of 142 research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of the University have been awarded earmarked grants totalling HK$92,767,092 f r om the Research Grants Coun c il (RGC) this year. The Un i v e r s i ty also received a direct allocation of HK$14.2 mi l l i on to finance small projects. For 2002-3, the government has made available some HK$428.2 m i l l i on for selected research proposals submitted by academic and research personnel in the UGC-funded tertiary institutions, HK$75.4 mi l l i on for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects, HK$25 m i l l i on to support new initiatives aimed at encouraging group research and strengthening the research base of these institutions under the central allocation scheme, HK$11.8 million for Joint Research Schemes, and HK$0.8 m i l l i on for the Clinical Research Fellowship Scheme. The 142 CUHK projects selected for earmarked grants fall into four subject disciplines: biology and medicine (53); engineering (30); physical sciences (21); and the humanities, social sciences and business studies (38). For details please refer to Research Grants Council Invities Applications Applications for earmarked research grants for 2003-4 f r om the Research Grants Council are now invited. Guidelines, application forms and details about internal deadlines are available at Mo re Support for CUHK Research The f o l l ow i ng 15 research projects undertaken by s t a ff members o f the University have attracted funding support from different sources: A Database on Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment for Drug Addiction (HK$250,067) Sponsor: Beat Drugs Fund Principal investigator: Dr. Xu M i n (Institute of Chinese Medicine) Psychosocial and Physical Factors Predicting Handicap (HK$439,205) Sponsor: Health Care and Promotion Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Janita P.C. Chau (Nethersole School of Nursing) Research on Cross-boundary Substance Abuse Problem Among Youths in Hong Kong (HK$348,150) Sponsor: Action Committee Against Narcotics Principal investigator: Prof. Joseph T.F. Lau (Centre for Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Research) Evaluation of Adolescent and Family Counselling Service Under the Understanding Adolescent Project (HK$433,320) Sponsor: Education Department Principal investigator: Prof. Joseph T.F. Lau (Centre for Clinical Trials and Epidemiological Research) Prevention of Ulcer Bleeding in High-risk Patients: Is the Enthusiasm for COX2 Selective NSAIDs Justified? (HK$703,680) Sponsor: Health Services Research Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Francis K.L. Chan (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics) Resilience Indicators: Measures of an Economy's Ability to Withstand Financial Shocks (HK$300,000) Sponsor: Hong Kong Management Association Principal investigator: Prof. Chan Ngai-hang (Department of Statistics) Co-investigator: Dr. Michael H.Y. Wong Gender Diversity and Leadership Effectiveness: An Exploratory Study in the Chinese Work Setting (HK$316,000) Sponsor: PDI Global Research Consortia Ltd. Principal investigator: Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung (Department of Psychology) Comparison of a Clinical Pharmacist-man aged Anticoagulation Service with Routine Medical Care: Impact on Clinical Outcomes and Healthcare Costs (HK$696,000) Sponsor: Health Care and Promotion Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Joyce H.S. You (School of Pharmacy) A Study of Informal Caregivers and Association of Caregiving Status with Health and Quality of Life (HK$703,116) Sponsor: Health Care and Promotion Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Suzanne S. Ho (Department of Community and Family Medicine) A Multi-centre Efficacy Trial of Naltrexone Maintenance Therapy in Hong Kong (HK$3,901,950) Sponsor: Beat Drugs Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Dominic T.S. Lee (Department of Psychiatry) Establish a Diagnostic Laboratory for Inherited Metabolic Diseases in Hong Kong (HK$480,840) Sponsor: S.K. Yee Medical Foundation Principal investigator: Prof. Nelson L.S. Tang (Department of Chemical Pathology) A Pilot Study in the Application of Telemedicine in Community Care of the Elderly (HK$l,525,898) Sponsor: S.K. Yee Medical Foundation Principal investigator: P r o f. Jean Woo ( De p a r t me nt o f Me d i c i ne and Therapeutics) Fall and Fractures Prevention Programme for the Elderly (HK$680,968) Sponsor: S.K. Yee Medical Foundation Principal investigator: Prof. Leung Kwok Sui (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Children's Continence Care Centre (HK$ 1,348,358) Sponsor: S.K. Yee Medical Foundation Principal investigator: Prof. Yeung Chung Kwong (Department of Surgery) Increasing Knowledge and Uptake of Screening for Cervical Cancer Amongst Hong Kong Chinese Women over 40 Years: An Evaluation of a Community Health Promotion Campaign (HK$292,966) Sponsor: Health Care and Promotion Fund Principal investigator: Dr. Sheila Twinn (Nethersole School of Nursing) 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 2 暑期特刊 二零零二年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 2002
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