Newsletter No. 222
OBITUARY The Chines e Universit y o f Hon g Kon g records with deep sadness the passing away of Dr. Ts e Yuen-man , a 199 2 M.B . Ch.B . graduate (United College), on 13th May 2003. Dr. Tse was a specialist physician at Tuen Mun Hospital. Sh e had volunteered to attend SARS patients soo n afte r th e outbrea k o f th e epidemic an d unfortunately contracte d th e disease while caring for her patients. Those wh o kno w Dr . Ts e hav e a hig h regard for her professionalism and her selfless dedication t o her duties. Her untimel y deat h is mourned by all her friends, former teachers and other members of the University; her acts of honou r an d bravery an d her remarkabl e contribution to the medical profession and the community-at-large wil l be long remembered on this campus. We extend to Dr. Tse's family our deepes t sympathies. The Chines e University of Hong Kon g 13th May 2003 Eng i neer i ng Paper Wi ns SIAM Ou t s t and i ng Paper Awa rd A paper co-authored by three academics at the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Prof. Davi d Yao , Prof . Zhan g Shuzhong , an d Prof. Zho u Xunyu, has been selected as the winner o f this year's SIA M Outstanding Pape r Prize . Entitle d 'Stochasti c Linear - Quadratic Control via Semidefinite Programming', the paper was publishe d i n th e SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, volum e 40 (2001) . SIAM i s an abbreviation fo r the Societ y fo r Industria l and Applied Mathematics . Wit h a membership o f 9,00 0 individual and 400 institutional members worldwide, SIAM' s policy is to advance and promote the research and application of mathematics an d computational scienc e to engineering , industry, science , and society. The SIAM Outstanding Paper Prizes wer e introduced i n 199 9 and are awarded annually . Three winner s ar e selected each year among all the papers published in the 1 3 SIAM journals i n the four years prior t o the year of the award. Biology Students Receive Croucher Scholarships to Study at Top Universities Abroad F our final year M.Phil, students in the Department of Biology were awarded the prestigious Croucher Foundation Overseas Scholarships thi s year to pursue Ph.D. studies at top universities in the US, UK, and Germany. With full financial suppor t from the Croucher Foundation, (from left) Mis s Chow Shuk-man , Mr. Lau On- sun, Mr. Li Chee-ho , and Miss Ng Wai-yan will attend graduate programmes at the Universit y o f Californi a a t Berkeley, Yale University , th e Universit y o f Heidelberg, and Cambridge University respectively. Two M.Phil graduate s from the Department o f Biology wer e awarded the same scholarship las t year. Mis s Chow Cheung-min g an d Mr . Won g Pi u ar e now Ph.D . student s a t Oxfor d University an d Stanford University respectively . Among these six awardees , five ar e graduate student s associated with the UGC Area of Excellence (AoE) on Plant and Fungal Biotechnology administered by th e Department o f Biology, CUHK . The y hav e al l received or ar e undergoing training i n the field of plant biotechnology . 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任學院院長 New Faculty Deans Elected •課程與教學學系李子建教授獲選為教育學院院長,任期三 年,由二零零三年八月一日起生效。 •物理系材料科學講座教授劉煥明教授獲選為理學院院長,任 期三年,由二零零三年八月一日起生效。 • Prof . John Lee Chi-kin, professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, has been elected as Dean of Education for a term of three years from 1s t August 2003. • Prof . Leo W.M. Lau , professor of materials science at the Department of Physics, has been elected as Dean of Science for a term of three years from 1 st August 2003. 聯合書院六名校董連任 Re-election of Members of the UC Board of Trustees 聯合書院校董會公布,陳曾燾博士、鄭裕彤博士、蔡冠深先生、李兆基博士和 岑啟基先生最近獲選連任書院校董,任期三年,由二零零三年八月一日至二零零六 年七月卅一日止。 該院校董會亦接納張煊昌博士連任校董會校董兼副主席,任期追溯至二零零三 年三月二十日起計,與其大學校董任期相同。 The Boar d o f Trustee s o f United Colleg e re-electe d the followin g person s t o it s membership fo r a further term of three years from 1 st August 2003 to 31st July 2006. • Dr . Thomas Chen Tseng Tao • Dr . Cheng Yu Tung • Mr . Cho i Koon Sum • Mr . Lee Shau Kee • Mr . Robert Shum Kai Kee The board simultaneously re-electe d Dr. Thomas H.C. Cheung as Trustee and vice-chairman of the board with retroactive effect from 20th March 2003, and for the length of his membership of the Council of The Chinese University . 哈佛燕京學社進修資助計劃 Scholarships/Fellowships at the Harvard-Yenching Institute 哈佛燕京學社現接受本校人文學科及社會科學教員申請二零零四至二零零五年 度進修資助計劃,詳情如下︰ (一)訪問學人資助計劃 此計劃資助教員前往哈佛大學進修或從事研究工作,為期一年。學位課程及實 用學科如工商管理、圖書館學、實用法學等不在資助之列。申請人必須有四年 教學經驗,操流利英語,並於二零零三年九月一日時未滿四十二歲。 資助項目包括單人來回機票、生活津貼(以十一個月為限)、醫療及保險。 (二)博士研究獎學金計劃 此計劃資助資歷較淺之教員前往哈佛大學或其他海外大學進修博士學位課程。實用 學科如工商管理、圖書館學、大眾傳播、英語教學、社會工作等不在資助之列。 受資助教員進修完畢,須返回原來所屬大學任教。申請 者須於本年十月或以前參加托福考試 (TOEFL) 及報考美國大學 畢業生試 (GRE) ,並獲哈佛或其他海外大學錄取為博士研究生 (錄取通知書可於稍後呈交)。 獎學金為期一學年,期滿可申請延續。資助項目包括交 通、學費、醫療及生活津貼。 (三)訪問研究員資助計劃 此計劃資助博士研究生前往哈佛大學從事研究工作,為期一年。從事有關東亞 研究之申請人將獲優先考慮。自然科學學科及實用學科如工商管理、圖書館 學、英語教學等不在資助之列。 受資助教員進修完畢,須返回原來所屬大學任教。申請者須於本年十月或以前 參加托福考試 (TOEFL)。 資助項目包括交通、訪問硏究員津貼及生活津貼。 申請人須把申請表格、假期申請表,以及有關文件,於二零零三年七月十八日 或以前經有關學系系主任及學院院長送交人事主任盧杜燕萍女士,俾轉呈校內有關 委員會考慮。計劃詳情及申請表格可於人事處網頁 ( res/webtrinf/extemal.htm) 下載。 哈佛燕京學社之代表將於本年秋季來港接見經大學推薦之申請人。查詢可致電 人事處(內線七一九一或七二八八)。 Applications/nominations ar e now invite d from facult y member s i n the humanitie s and social sciences for the following three Harvard-Yenching Programmes tenable i n 2004-5: 1. Visiting Scholars Programme This programme offer s one-year fellowships t o regular facult y members i n the humanities or social sciences to study and conduct research at Harvard University, USA. Applied fields o f studies suc h as business management, librar y science , and the more practical aspects of law, etc. are excluded. The study o r research should not lead to a degree. Candidates mus t —be age d 42 or under on 1s t September 2003 ; —have been teaching for four years prior to the year for which they are applying for the fellowship ; —and speak fluent English . The award covers round-trip airfare for the successful applicant, a monthly stipend for up to 1 1 months, fees for health insurance and the use of the Harvard Clinic. 2. Doctoral Scholarship Programme This programme supports junior facult y members to pursue Ph.D. studies in the humanities o r socia l sciences . Applie d field s o f studie s suc h a s busines s management, library science, mass communications, teaching English as a foreign language, social work, etc. are excluded. Candidates mus t —be regular faculty members who will return to teach at their home universities upon completion of their studies ; 2 No. 229 19thMay 2003
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