Annual Report 1996-97
財務與賬目 Finances and Accounts 一九九六至九七財政年度是一九九五至九八年政府三年撥款期的第二年,本校財政狀況健全:總 資產淨額增長百分之四十,至十六億港元;投資項目總值因新增資金及市場利好因素而增至九億 六千萬港元。由於本校理財審慎,現金及定期存款總額於一九九七年六月三十日增至九億五千萬 港元。 本年度的經常收入只增加了九個百分點。政府撥款仍然是主要收入來源,但其比例已由上年度的 百分之八十二點八下降至百分之八十點四,而學費及其他收費收入的比例則由百分之十四上升至 百分之十五點七。政府計劃逐漸增加學費以填補大學百分之十八的支出,這目標將會在未來數年 內達到。 同期的經常開支只上升了百分之五點六,敎學部門的支出已穩定在大學整體支出的百分之七十 四,而大學行政經費亦保持在總開支的百分之六以內。 鑑於政府在下一個三年撥款期將減少資助,校方特重整業務流程,以應付資源的縮減,又於一九 九六年七月一日起採用新的會計管理系統,加強財務運作的電腦化,成果不俗。 校方並計劃聘請顧問公司,協助總務處檢討財務工作流程,評估總務處的效率與效能,以期進一 步改良大學的資源分配過程和監管系統。 University finances were sound and viable in the 1996-97 fiscal year, the second year of the 1995- 98 triennium. The financial position was strengthened further as total net assets increased by 40 per cent to $1.6 billion. Investments grew significantly during the year to $0.96 billion due to fund injections and asset appreciation under favourable investment market conditions. Through prudent cash management, the University maintained a comfortable cash and time-deposits balance close to $0.95 billion at 30th June 1997. While total general income for the year increased by 9 per cent over the past year, the proportion of income from government subventions dropped from 82.8 per cent in 1995-96 to 80.4 per cent in 1996-97. The proportion of fees income on the other hand rose from 14.0 per cent to 15.7 per cent. The target of recovering 18 per cent of programme expenditure through fees will be achieved in the 84 捐 贈 、 財 務 與 賬 目
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