Newsletter No. 228
Accounting Students Win Contests Local and International • The L'Oreal e-Strat Challenge Three final-yea r accountin g student s o f th e Facult y o f Busines s Administration 一 Dann y Yung, Dorothy Ng, and Larry Chu 一 wer e the Hong Kong winners of the L'Oreal e-Strat Challenge organized by French beauty product s compan y L'Oreal . The team beat five teams from othe r universities i n Hong Kong and wa s place d sevent h worldwide. A total of 800 teams i nvo l v i n g 2,40 0 university student s fro m all ove r th e worl d wer e selected t o participat e i n the competition last April. An awar d presentatio n ceremony wa s hel d o n 18th Jul y a t th e Hon g Kong Conventio n an d E x h i b i t i on Centr e to honour the winners . L ' O r e a l e - S t r a t Challenge i s a global online strategic busines s game . The 2003 competitio n required students t o put themselves i n the virtual driver' s sea t of a leading global cosmetic s company facing real-time market situations to compete against four othe r virtual cosmetic s businesses . • CUHK Graduate Tops HKSA Final Professional Examination Jessie Hui , a year 200 0 graduat e fro m th e CUH K Professiona l Accountancy Programme , was the Gold Award winner o f the June 2003 Final Professional Examination o f the Hong Kong Society of Accountants (HKSA). At the HKSA awar d and graduation ceremony held on 23rd September, Jessie received a gold plaque plus $6,00 0 i n cash from Prof . Arthur Li , Secretary fo r Education and Manpower. Currently senio r associat e a t PricewaterhouseCoopers, Jessi e w i l l become a professional accountant in a year's time. She is the second CUHK winner o f the Gol d Award i n two years . Mr . La u Man Shun , who als o graduated i n 2000 , wo n th e Gol d Awar d i n th e Jun e 200 2 Fina l Examinations. The HKS A starte d th e Qua l i f i ca t i o n Programm e i n 1999. Examinations ar e held twice a year, in June and December. Prof. Gordon Cheung Wai-hung, associate dean of the BA Faculty (left 2 ), and the CUHK winning team at th e awar d presentatio n ceremon y o f L'Orea l e-Strat Challeng e Support for Six Research Projects T h e followin g si x research projects undertaken by facult y member s o f the University hav e attracted funding support from local and overseas sources : Multicentre Susceptibilit y Stud y of In-vitro Antibiotic Susceptibilit y Profile s for Community - acquired Gram-negativ e Bacill i from the People' s Republi c of China (US$12,000 ) Sponsor: Merc k Shar p & Dohme (Asia) Ltd . Principal investigator: Prof . Augustine Cheng Fun-bun (Department o f Microbiology ) Research an d Developmen t of LTCC Integrate d Module s for Wireless Communicatio n Products (HK$3,297,856 ) Sponsor: Innovatio n and Technology Fund, HKSA R Principal investigator: Prof . Wu Keli (Departmen t o f Electronic Engineering ) Co-investigator: Prof . Michael K.K. Chen g Putonghua Festiva l 2003 (HK$800,000 ) Sponsor: Th e Language Fun d Principal investigator: Prof . Ho Wai-kit (Centr e for Research and Development o f Putonghua Education, HKIER ) Expression o f Leptin and Lepti n Recepto r i n Pathological Pregnancie s (HK$30,000 ) Sponsor: Hon g Kong Obstetrical and Gynaecological Trust Fund Principal investigator: Prof . Raymond Li Hang-wun (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Geng-Shu Capsul e as a Safer and Mor e Natura l Alternative for Patient s of Menopausa l Symptoms (HK$4,585,208 ) Sponsor: Hon g Kong Jockey Club Institut e of Chinese Medicine Fund 2002 Principal investigator: Prof . Wang Jun (Department of Biochemistry ) Authentication an d Quality Assessment o f Chinese Medicina l Material s by DNA and Chemica l Technologies (HK$6,866,000 ) Sponsor: Hon g Kong Jockey Club Institut e of Chinese Medicine Fund 2002 Principal investigator: Prof . Shaw Pang-chui (Department o f Biochemistry ) Orientation Pay for Sixth Formers O ver 26,000 students , their teachers and parents visite d th e Universit y o n it s Orientation Da y fo r Sixt h Former s hel d o n 27th September . Th e visitor s wer e give n detailed information about the undergraduate programmes on offer at the University as well as usefu l tips on admission. A ll seven faculties and four colleges were open on that day . Mr. Edd y Yeung , senio r assistan t registrar, explaine d to the sixt h former s th e University's developmen t an d academi c programmes whil e CUHK student s shared their experiences a t the University wit h the visitors . The visitors were also given a taste of the University's achievement s i n science, technology , education, an d community servic e a t two pavilion s o f the 40th anniversary fair : Invention s an d Innovations and Impact on Education and Society. Cultures Mix and Mingle on International Day The University Cultura l Squar e was a happening place from 12.3 0 to 6.00 p.m. on 3rd October with live performances by a brass ensemble, the CUHK Shaw Band, the CUHK Dance Society, and Japanese drummers. The occasion was the Second International Day organize d by the Offic e of Academic Links . In addition to the performances there were activities promoting cultural diversity such as nationa l costume fitting, picture taking, temporary tattoos, and cartoon drawing; food booths selling Asian, American, and European snacks, and booths giving out information on student exchange, academic departments, an d study i n Europe. There was also a book exhibition . Integratin g wit h th e Pea r l R i ver De l t a: Implications fo r th e Ai r Carg o Industr y L eading industr y experts , entrepreneurs , and academic s i n Hon g Kon g an d th e Pearl River Delta exchanged ideas on the major implications o f Hong Kong-Pearl River Delt a integration for the air cargo industry at an open forum entitled 'Integratio n o f Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta: Issues and Concerns for the A ir Carg o Industry' . Th e participant s als o offered insight s int o busines s opportunitie s under CEP A which w i l l com e int o effec t o n 1st January 2004 . Th e foru m wa s organize d by th e University' s Hon g Kon g Centr e o f Cyber Logistic s o n 24th Septembe r a t Hote l Nikko. Prof. Cheun g Waiman , directo r o f th e centre, sai d that the forum's ai m was to brin g prominent industr y expert s in Hong Kong and the Pear l Rive r Delt a unde r on e roo f fo r brainstorming o n important issues such as the impact o f CEP A o n ai r carg o logistic s an d ground logistic s support , th e comparativ e advantages o f the five airport s i n the region , IT readiness for e-logistics as well as business opportunities fo r Hon g Kon g logistic s providers i n the Pearl River Delta . Sir Gordo n Wu , chairma n o f Hopewel l Holdings Ltd. , delivered the opening remark s at the forum whil e th e luncheo n addres s wa s delivered b y Mr . Will y Lin , chairma n o f th e Hong Kong Shippers' Council . Other speaker s came fro m th e senio r managemen t o f ke y players i n the aviation and logistics industries , airport operators , an d e-commerc e servic e providers, such as HACTL , Tradelink Electronic Commerce (HK ) Ltd. , Airport Authority Hon g Kong, D ime r c o ( HK ) L t d . , th e Chin a International Freigh t Forwarder s Association , and China Southern Airlines Companie s Ltd . 2 No. 228 19thOctober 2003
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