Newsletter Summer Supplement (2006)
中大支持藍天行動 CUHK Joins Action Blue Sky 大學參加了環境保護署推出的推廣活動,協助改善香港的空氣質素和居住環境。開 展禮於七月二十五日舉行,由行政長官曾蔭權先生主持,本校與另外二十九間香港知名 的機構和學校,在儀式中率先承諾參與「節約能源約章2006——適當室內溫度」。 The University is one of 30 companies and academic institutions that pledged to comply with 'Energy Conservation Charter 2006 — Suitable Room Temperature' of the 'Action Blue Sky' campaign launched on 25th July by the government's Environmental Protection Department to improve Hong Kong's air quality. The aim of the charter is to encourage participating organizations and individuals to save energy in their daily lives and adhere to the principle of 'use if required, save if possible'. 一百八十七項計劃獲研究資助局撥款 RGC Research Grants 2006-2007 香港硏究資助局於二零零六至零七年度撥出四億八千九百餘萬元,供各院校敎硏人 員競逐;另撥六千五百萬元直接資助各院校成本少於二十萬元的硏究計劃。 是年中大共有一百八十七項硏究計劃取得競爭性撥款,資助金額共計一億一千一百 餘萬元,另獲一千四百餘萬元直接撥款。獲撥款計劃分屬生物學及醫學(六十項)、工 程學(四十八項)、自然科學(三十二項)和人文、社會科學及商科(四十七項),詳 見硏究及科技事務處的網頁 。 A total of 187 research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of the University have been awarded earmarked grants totalling HK$111.68 million from the Research Grants Council (RGC) this year. The University also received a direct allocation of HK$14.12 million to finance small projects. For 2006-07, the government has made available some HK$489.33 million for selected research proposals submitted by academic and research personnel in the UGC- funded tertiary institutions and HK$65 million for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects. The 187 CUHK projects selected for earmarked grants fall into four subject disciplines: biology and medicine (60); engineering (48); physical sciences (32); and the humanities, social sciences and business studies (47). For details please refer to http://www. Support for 10 Projects The following research projects undertaken by faculty members of the University have succeeded in attracting funding support: • To Study the Effect of Early Pulmonary Rehabilitation on Exacerbations, Hospitalization Rates and Quality of Life in Patients Admitted to Hospital with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (HK$50,000) Sponsor: Hong Kong Lung Foundation Research Grant Award 2006 Principal investigator: Dr. Fanny Ko Wai San (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics) • International Workshop on Low-Magnitude, High-Frequency Vibration Therapy for Training Musculoskeletal Professionals (HK$138,000) Sponsor : Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme Principal investigator: Prof. Leung Kwok Sui (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) • Are Respiratory Viruses and Atypical Bacteria Triggers of Severe Asthma Exacerbation in Hong Kong Children? (HK$654,860) Sponsor: Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases Principal investigator : Dr. Leung Ting Fan (Department of Paediatrics) • Study of the Efficacy of Antifungal Traditional Chinese Medicine and Their Active Components on the Treatment of Tinea Pedis (HK$798,104) Sponsor: Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases Principal investigators: Prof. Leung Ping Chung (Institute of Chinese Medicine), Prof. Paul Chan Kay Sheung (Department of Microbiology), Prof. Mamie Hui (Department of Microbiology), and Prof. Fung Kwok-pui (Institute of Chinese Medicine) • Molecular Epidemiology of HIV in Hong Kong (HK$694,876) Sponsor: AIDS Trust Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Tsui Kwok Wing (Department of Biochemistry) • Healthy Life Starts at Young (HK$255,000) Sponsor: Incentive Scheme for Developing Instructional Software Principal investigator: Mrs. Winnie Lai Chan Wei Ling (Audio-Visual Division) • Novel Anti-HIV Drug: A Cyclosporine Analog (HK$715,553) Sponsor: AIDS Trust Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Kung Hsiang Fu (Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases) • Chronic Psychosocial Stress: Does It Modulate Immunity to Influenza Vaccine in Hong Kong Elderly? (HK$589,700) Sponsor: Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases Principal investigator: Prof. Jean Woo (Department of Community and Family Medicine) • Travelling and Learning Around Historic Buildings: Inquiry-based Learning on Hong Kong Historic Architecture (HK$778,200) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund 2005 Principal investigator: Prof. Ho Puay Peng (Department of Architecture) • Metacognition in Learning and Teaching: Supporting Students' Learning Needs (HK$2,000,000) Sponsor: Quality Education Fund 2005 Principal investigator: Prof. Pang Sun Keung (Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership) 大學圖書館系統本學年開放時間 University Library System Opening Hours 2006-2007 由二零零六年八月二十一日起 F r o m 21st August 2006 大學、崇基、新亞及聯合圖書館 University, Chung Chi, New Asia, and United Libraries 建築學圖書館 Architecture Library 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 8.20 a.m. -10.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. 星期六 Sat 8.20 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m. 星期日 Sun 1.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m. 閉館 Closed 由二零零六年七月三十一日起 F r o m 31st July 2006 醫學圖書館 Medical Library 星期一至五 Mon-Fri 8.30 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. 星期六 Sat 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. 星期日 Sun 閉館 Closed 公眾假期及暑假之開放時間,請留意張貼於各圖書館入口之告示。 Opening hours for holidays including the summer vacation will be posted at the entrances of the libraries. 「深港創新圈」專用公務車調整行車時間 經深圳市政府同意試辦往來深圳高新科技園和香港科學園之間的專用公務直通車服 務,於六月下旬開始營運,並於七月上旬調整專車到站時間,詳情如下: (一)行車班次、時間及路線(如下表列) (車輛運行受深港兩地過關及交通狀況影響,故除深港兩地發車時間外,其餘各站 到達時間以實際運行情況為準。) 北行班次 A02 A04 A06 九龍塘地鐵站 7.20 13.00 17.50 香港中文大學站 7.35 13.15 18.05 香港科技園停車場 7.40 13.20 18.15 文錦渡口岸 8.25 14.05 19.00 香蜜湖地鐵站(深南路北) 8.50 14.30 19.25 深圳高新區南區綜合服務樓 停車場 9.05 14.45 19.40 深圳高新區中區軟件園 9.10 14.50 19.45 奧林巴斯公司大門口 9.15 14.55 19.50 南行班次 A01 A03 A05 奥林巴斯公司大門口 7.20 13.00 18.10 深圳高新區中區科技中三路 軟件園東門 7.25 13.05 18.15 深圳高新區南區綜合服務樓 停車場肯德基北側 7.30 13.10 18.20 香蜜湖地鐵站(深南路南) 7.45 13.25 18.35 文錦渡口岸 8.10 13.50 19.00 香港科技園 8.55 14.35 19.45 香港中文大學站 9.00 14.40 19.50 九龍塘地鐵站 9.15 15.05 20.05 (二)服務對象及申請乘車證手續 1.在深圳高新區、香港科學園的入駐單位中工作的專家、學者。 2. 深圳國際科技平台成員單位、深圳市創新總裁俱樂部會員。 3. 深圳大學城、香港中文大學的專家、敎授、學者及技術硏發人員。 「深港創新圈」專用公務車服務並不對外開放,祇供上述機構的合資格人員而持有 單程乘車證者使用。有關人員可憑證件(機構工作證/人員證)向「深港創新圏」 專用公務車的司機或服務中心申請,公務車司機或服務中心每次均會收取有關申請 手續費用。 (三)「深港創新圈」專用公務車在香港中文大學的乘車處 「深港創新圈」專用公務車(十六座位小巴、車頭展示「深港創新圈」標誌)在星 期一至五,每日上、下行各三班,在九廣鐵路大學站外的村巴候車處上落客。 (四)深港兩地乘車手續辦理機構 深圳高新區服務中心行財部 2 暑期特刊• 二零零六年八月十九日 Summer Supplement • 19th August 2006
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