Newsletter No. 287
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 2 利豐供應鏈管理及物流研究所成立 鞏固香港亞太區物流樞紐地位 New Li & Fung Institute of Supply Chain Management & Logistics to Strengthen Hong Kong’s Role as Logistic Hub 一 直以來香港在中國的商業及物 流業發展擔當著重要的角色, 特別是華南地區,而物流服務亦是香 港重要經濟支柱之一,對未來的經濟 發展舉足輕重。大學獲利豐集團贊 助,成立「利豐供應鏈管理及物流研 究所」,進一步推展及深化這方面的 研究。 研究所的開幕典禮於本月八日假中環 美國銀行中心中文大學中區教學中心 演講廳舉行,主禮嘉賓包括經濟發展 及勞工局局長葉澍 堃 先生、利豐集團 董事總經理馮國綸博士、中大校長劉 遵義教授、利和經銷集團董事總經理 與利豐供應鏈管理及物流研究所顧問 委員會主席鄭有德先生、利豐供應鏈 管理及物流研究所主任張惠民教授。 劉遵義教授向利豐集團表達衷心感謝:「非 常感謝利豐集團的慷慨支持,令香港中文 大學可為香港的供應鏈管理及物流業的發 展作出更大貢獻。」 葉澍 堃 先生表示:「隨著全球性物料搜購業務的迅速增 長和生產日趨專門化,供應鏈的管理對促進效率、產品 增值、降低成本、取得最高增長和最大收益有關鍵作 用。我很高興見到利豐供應鏈管理及物流研究所成立, 並深信研究所會扮演重要角色,發展新科技,促進供應 鏈的整合和推廣最佳運作模式。」 馮國綸博士表示,這次支持研究所的成立,是再次實現 集團對推動教育的使命:「在環球性的競爭下,中國大 陸的製造商及供應商,必須與香港的物流業建立更緊密 的整合與合作基礎,我們相信研究所將可提供有效的平 台,讓學術界與業界討論相關的議題、交流研究成果及 就物流業所遇到的難題尋求可行的解決方案,這將為整 個行業帶來裨益。」 研究所匯集中大從事供應鏈管理及物流研究的學者,透 過合作及交流,獲取協同效益。研究所旗下設有一個屬 於工商管理學院的「供應鏈管理及物流中心」,以及兩 個屬於工程學院的研究中心:「物流技術與供應鏈優化 Institute of SupplyChainManagement & Logistics to further consolidate research efforts in these areas. At the inauguration ceremony of the Institute on 8th November, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, extended heartfelt gratitude to the sponsor, ‘Thanks to the generous donation from the Li & Fung Group, CUHK is now in a better position to contribute to the further development of Hong Kong’s supply chain management and logistics industry through multi- disciplinary research, transfer of knowledge and technology as well as closer collaboration between academia and industry.’ The Institute pools the strengths of the Centre for Supply Chain Management and Logistics of the Faculty of Business Administration, and two centres, namely the Centre for Logistics Technologies and Supply Chain Optimization, and the Research and Development Centre for Supply Chain and Logistics Management of the Faulty of Engineering. The Institute will focus on technology development, applied research and business process innovation on logistics and supply chain management. Open forum and high-level executive programmes will also be developed for professionals of the logistic industry through its Knowledge Transfer Office. Among the various plans in the pipeline, the Institute is organizing a series of seminars to share with industry practitioners key findings of its latest research and facilitate discussion in various key issues related to logistics and supply chainmanagement in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific Region. It is also the mission of the Institute to build up a network of industry leaders to serve as a think-tank for the further development of the industry. (左起) 利豐集團董事總經理馮國綸博士、經濟發展及勞工局局長葉澍 堃 先生及中大校長 劉遵義教授 From left: Dr. William K. Fung, Managing Director, Li & Fung Group; The Hon. Stephen Ip, Secretary for Economic Development and Labour; and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, CUHK 2 006 中大高爾夫球日在本月三日假深圳觀瀾湖高 爾夫球會舉行,近百名中大校友和友好分二十五 隊競逐多個獎項。參賽者的實力不相伯仲,最後在副 校長兼逸夫書院長程伯中教授帶領下,逸夫書院勇奪 今年的中大盃,公開盃則由中大校友高爾夫球會隊奪 得。程教授表示運動有益身心,並能團結廣大校友及 友好支持大學未來發展。活動所籌得的款項將全數撥 入大學及各成員書院的發展基金作長遠教研發展。 C UHK Golf Day 2006 was held at the Shenzhen Mission Hills Golf Club on 3rd November. Nearly 100 alumni and friends of CUHK split into 25 teams competed for the CU Cup and other prizes. After keen competition among the golfers, Shaw College won the CU Cup under the leadership of Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro- Vice-Chancellor and Head of Shaw College, and the Open Cup went to The CUHK Alumni Golf Association. Funds raised will be used to support the general endowment fund of the University and its constituent colleges. 中心」及「供應鏈和物流管理研究開發中心」。研究所 將集中研究關於物流及供應鏈管理的科技發展及作業流 程的創新。此外,研究所亦會透過特別設立的知識轉移 辦公室,為業內人士舉辦公開論壇及培訓行政人員。 研究所的使命是協助業界建立一個有效的集思網絡,促 進香港的物流業發展,故該所現正積極籌備一系列的研 討會,與業內人士交流最新的研究成果,並就香港及亞 太區物流業相關的重要議題,進行深入討論。 A s China’s major gateway to the world, Hong Kong plays a key role in the trading and logistics industry, especially in the southern part of the Chinese mainland. At the same time, the logistics industry is a key economic pillar of Hong Kong — the bedrock for furthering the city’s economic development. To strengthen the role of Hong Kong as the premier supply chain management and logistics centre in the Asia-Pacific region, CUHK with the sponsorship of Li & Fung Group, has established the Li & Fung 2006 中大高爾夫球日 CUHK Golf Day 2006
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