Newsletter No. 323
第323期 2008年9月19日 No. 323 19 September 2008 來 自四川、就讀綿陽南山中學的吳瑞,今年5月四川地震發生時,正在學校準備上課,校舍忽然搖晃起來, 幸虧沒有倒塌,但教學樓和宿舍損毀嚴重,學生都要到操場打地鋪。回想地震的情景,他說:「很痛 心,人員傷亡和財產損失觸目驚心。」 吳瑞是全省考獲前十五名的尖子,獲獎學金來中大攻讀商科。他認為來中大可以學到更多有用的知識,有更多 機會去了解世界。吳瑞像一般四川人那樣嗜辣,但自言適應力很強,本地的清淡口味對他來說完全不是問題。 W hen the Sichuan earthquake occurred in May, Wu Rui was in school, preparing for classes. Suddenly, the school building began to shake. Though it did not collapse, the teaching blocks and student dormitories were badly damaged. And students had to sleep rough in the school playground. Recalling the quake, Wu Rui said, ‘It was heart-breaking. The loss of lives and property was overwhelming.’ A top scorer in his province, Wu Rui came to CUHK to study business on a scholarship and believes that he can learn more and know better about the world here at CUHK. As a native of Sichuan, Wu Rui has a palate for spicy food. But he considers himself a very adaptable person and is quick to get used to our much milder flavours. New Faces on Campus 是他們 豐富了校園 九月開學,看到一張張帶着好奇的臉孔,昂首闊步走在校園,準是新鮮人無疑。 這些不同種族、地域、宗教、專長、性格的新生,朝氣勃勃,齊步向中大出發, 尋找夢想,讓大學在他們的青春樂章譜上音符,也在大學的歷史迴廊留下印記。 When classes began in September, freshmen could be spotted everywhere on campus, looking curious and taking eager steps. They may be different in terms of race, character, religion, major, and hometown, but they are all committed to the same goal of making the best of their years at CUHK. 有 蒙古族血統的鄭一丁,在內蒙的城市長大,初中時到北京升 學。今年在全國高考中脫穎而出,考入中大。這天她專程穿上 民族服裝來拍照,自言未曾穿過民族服的她,也感到十分新奇,不停 做出各種姿態和表情。 一丁渴望在中大讀書可提升英語水平,並計劃在暑假作交換生,到外 國交流。打算修讀經濟的她,認為香港的金融經濟發展蓬勃,相信會 有很多開闊眼界的機會。 B orn and raised in the city of Inner Mongolia, an excited Zheng Yiding Ann donned a traditional Mongolian costume for the first time for the interview. She had moved to Beijing after graduating from primary school, and had enrolled at CUHK with remarkable results in the national examination. Ann hopes to improve her English, and intends to join a summer exchange programme and to major in economics as she believes the financial market in Hong Kong is very vibrant and has much to teach her. 醉 心 中 國 文 化的方妍梅來自 荷蘭,是中國研究課程一年級生。「我母親常到中 國做生意,回來就跟我講各種各樣的故事。我對中 國文化很有興趣,就開始看有關中國的書。」 為甚麼來中大?「荷蘭的中國研究課程大多是必修 科。在中大,你可以有許多不同的科目選擇。我來 香港是因為這裏既有東方文化,又有西方文化。」 懷念家鄉的甚麼東西?「吃的,尤其是鹹甘草糖!」 A nnemarelle Van Schayik (Year 1, Chinese Studies) from the Netherlands has always been interested in Chinese culture. ‘My mother travelled to China on business quite a bit and she always came back with stories. Being interested in culture, I started reading up about China.' Why did she choose CUHK? ‘Chinese Studies programmes in Holland consist almost entirely of pre- assigned courses. Here at CUHK, you have a full list of courses to choose from. I chose to come to Hong Kong because here, you can have eastern culture one day and western culture the next, if that’s what you want.’ What does she miss most about home? ‘The food, especially zoute drop —salty licorice!’ 透 過「自薦計劃」入讀數學系的曾民浩,曾參加亞太區及全國的數學奧林匹 克競賽,獲得銅獎。他說之前曾修讀數學系開辦給中六資優生的數學英才 精進課程,得知中大數學系的師資不俗,就順理成章選了中大。愛鑽研數學的 他,希望可涉獵數學的不同範疇,找到自己興趣所在,更上層樓。 T sang Man-ho was admitted to the University’s mathematics programme through the Self-recommendation Scheme. Gifted in mathematics, Man- ho won bronze at the Asian Pacific and China Mathematical Olympiad. He had joined the Enrichment Programme for Young Mathematics Talents organized by the Department of Mathematics, CUHK and was impressed by the professors of the department. Hence, he made it his first choice. Man-ho looks forward to exploring the world of mathematics and identifying a favourite field in mathematics for further study. 劍 擊港隊代表楊曉君,今年透過「運動員獎學金計劃」入讀生物化學系,這 是她的首個志願。難怪她形容自己「第一天走進校園,開心得不自覺的嘴 角泛笑」。 曉君習劍七年,曾參加不少本港及國際的劍擊比賽,多次奪冠。她相信未來仍可 繼續平衡讀書和習劍的生涯,並期望三年的大學生活將會豐富繽紛。 Y eung Hiu-kwan, member of the Hong Kong fencing team, jumped for joy when she found out she had been accepted to her first choice—the CUHK biochemistry programme—through the Sports Scholarship Scheme. She could not help smiling as she walked around the campus. Hiu-kwan has won gold in local and international fencing tournaments since 2001. She hopes she can balance study and fencing practice, and longs for a rewarding campus life in the years to come.
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