Newsletter No. 32
CUHK Newsletter No32 July 1992 Council Appointments * Mrs. Alice K. Y. Lam has been reappointed by the University Council as Treasurer of the University for a period of three years from 1st July 1992. * Prof. S . W . Tam ha s been reappointed pro-vice-chancellor o f the University fo r tw o years from 1s t August 1992, an d as dean o f th e Graduate School for one year from1s t September 1992. * Prof. P . C . Leung ha s been appointed head o f New Asia College for four years from 1s t August 1992, succeeding Prof. T. B. Lin. * Prof. C . Y . Le e ha s been reappointed head o f United College fo r three years from 1st August 1992. * Prof. H . C . Kuan ha s been appointed University Dean o f Students for on e year from 1s t August 1992 , succeeding Prof. C. Y. Lee. Foundatio n Ston eLai dfo r th e Won gFo oYua nBuildin g An eight-storey building i s under construction on the Chung Chi campus as part o f th e redevelopment o f the college's teaching blocks. Th e ne w building ha s been named after Mr . Wong Fo o Yuan, a local industrialist who has made generous donations t o the University fo r th e establishment of a Centre fo r Environmental Studies and various other research programmes. The foundation stone o f th e building was formally laid on 3rd June. Mr. Wong Foo Yuan was the guest o f honour o n th e occasion, an d Prof. Charles K . Kao, th e vice-chancellor, thanked Mr . Wong fo r hi s staunch support to the University over the years in hi s official address made a t th e foundation-stone laying ceremony. The new building will have a total floor area of 5,000 square metres and is expected to be completed by the end of 1993. There will be a lecture hall, classrooms, workshops, offices and covered carparks, mainly fo r th e us e o f th e departments of geography, psychology, and architecture. New Facult y Dean s Dean of Faculty of Arts Dr. H . H . Ho has been re-elected dean of the Faculty o f Arts fo r three years from 1st August 1992. Dean of Faculty of Medicine Prof. A. K. C. L i has been elected dean of th e Faculty o f Medicine fo r three years from 1st July 1992. Dean of Faculty of Social Science Prof. Rance P. L . Lee has been elected dean of the Faculty of Social Science for three years from 1st August 1992. A $20 Mi l l i on-Grant f o r4 4Resea r ch P r o j ec ts Forty-four research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of this university have succeeded i n obtaining earmarked grants totalling HK$ 19,264,000 from th e University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (UPGC) this year. Such research proposals fall into eight different areas: administrative, business and social studies (5); arts and language (2) ; biological sciences (6) ; computer science, information technology an d mathematics (3) ; education (3); electrical and electronic engineering (2) ; medicine (16); an d physical sciences (7). For 1992-93 th e Government has made available a total o f HK$122 million t o seven local tertiary institutions for research purposes. About 3 0 per cent o f this amount, o r $36.5 million, has been directly allocated to these institutions t o finance projects costing less than $200,000 each, and $6 million has been se t aside fo r central allocation to strengthen the research base i n the various institutions. The balance of $79.5 million will b e awarded t o deserving research proposals submitted by the academic and research personnel in th e seven institutions and selected by the UPGC for support. The $19,264 million allocation earmarked for CUHK 2
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