Newsletter No. 32
CUHK Newsletter No32 July 1992 Side Lights Come Join the Staff Boat Club The Staff Boat Club was founded in 1986 to make use of the proximity of the University campus to the sea for leisure time activities of staff members. In Hong Kong water sports have a season of 12 months per year. The club places special emphasis on sailing and wind-surfing. Presently the club has about 50 members across the ranks and faculties in the University. The club provides hardstanding spaces where members may keep their own boats. The club also owns one Otter dinghy (for 2 to 3 persons) and two Laser dinghies (for single-handed sailing ), which are for the exclusive use of members as part of the membership benefits. Rescue services are provided by the Water Sports Centre if the need arises. The club organizes sailing courses, cruises and weekend outings, and its premises are also a very popular barbecue site for members and their guests, and a place to meet with friends and sit outside enjoying a cold drink and a chat. Any staff member of the University is eligible for ordinary membership or temporary membership (if on short term contract). Alumni may join as associate members. Current membership dues include a joining fee of $1,000 for Terms A staff and equivalent, or $500 for all other staff, and monthly fees of $70 (or $80 including hardstanding fee for boat owners). Temporary and associate members pay no joining fee but monthly fees of double the above mentioned amount. For further information, have a look at the University Water Sports Centre next to the Marine Science Laboratory, or call one of the following: Office Home Dr. Alfreda Stadlin 6096783 6036465 Dr. Donald Lyon 6362301 6036330 Dr. Michael Tam 6096879 6045417 CUECU Annual General Meeting and Sixth Anniversary Dinner Party The Chinese University of Hong Kong Employees' Credit Union (CUECU) held its annual general meeting at the Shatin Treasure Restaurant on 22nd 1992 , which was followed by a dinner party, games and a singing contest. Over 300 members and guests attended the function. The meeting approved the various reports given by the CUECU president, treasurer, and the chairpersons of various committees, and endorsed a resolution to pay a six per cent dividend on all fully-paid shares. New officebearers for 1992-93 were also elected: Executive Committee Mrs. Faith Ho (President) Mr. T. S. Lo (Vice-President) Mrs. Chan M. C. Tai (Secretary) Mr. Kwong Chi Nan (Treasurer) Mr. Eric Ho Mr. Lawrence Chiu Miss Chu Chor Chun Credit Committee Mr. Joseph Chung (Chairman) Mrs. Karen Yau (Secretary) Mr. Leung Ping Kuen Supervisory Committee Mr. Vincent Chen (Chairman) Mrs. Salome Chan (Secretary) Mr. Linus Lau Education Committee Mr. Eric Ho (Chairman) Miss Wendy Chan (Secretary) Mr. Wong Tak Chung Mr. Kwong Chi Nam CUH K Newslette r We welcome your cont r ibut ions 1. Items for the next issue (mid-August 1992) should reach the Editor by 27th July 1992. 2. All contributions and suggestions should be sent to the Editor, CUHK Newsletter, c/o the Publication Office, University Secretariat, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (tel. 6097297; fax. 6035503). 3. Contributions should hear the writer's name and contact telephone number, and may be published under pseudonyms. Articles without Chinese translations will appear in the English version of the Newsletter only. No anonymous letters will be published. 4. The Editor reserves the right to reject contributions and to edit all articles for reasons of clarity, length or grammar. Those who do not wish to have their articles amended should indicate clearly in writing. 5. No part of this Newsletter may be reproduced without the written consent of the Editor. 6. This publication has a circulation of 1,100 and is primarily intended for staff members of CUHK. Copies are also sent to local educational institutions and individuals associated with the University. Those who wish to be included on the mailing list please contact the Newsletter direct. Published by the Publication Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Editor: Amy K. Y. Leung Assistant Editors : K. L. Wan; Florence Chan Graphic Artist: Stella P. C. Lai 14
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