Newsletter Summer Supplement (2004)
張教授為本校校友,一九七四年取得柏克萊加州大學哲學 博士學位,二零零一年獲該校頒授東亞語言學榮休講座教授 銜。張教授加入中大服務前,出掌香港科技大學人文學部。 Prof. Samuel Cheung Hung-nin has been appointed professor of Chinese language and literature from 2nd August 2004. Prof. Cheung, who has a Ph.D. in oriental languages from the University of California (1974), Berkeley, has taught Chinese at the University of Oregon, UC Berkeley, the University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Baptist University. Prior to joining CUHK, he was professor and head of the Division of Humanities at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and professor emeritus of East Asian languages at UC Berkeley. 人文學科講座教授 Professor of Humanities 大學委任李歐梵教授為人文學科講座教授,任期由二零零 四年八月二日起生效。 李教授一九七零年獲授哈佛大學哲學博士學位後,在中大 任教兩年,其後在美國多所著名學府服務,九四年起受聘於哈 佛大學。 Prof. Leo Lee Ou-fan has been appointed professor of humanities from 2nd August 2004. Prof. Lee obtained his Ph.D. in history and Far Eastern languages from Harvard University in 1970. In the following two years, he was lecturer in history at CUHK. He had also taught history and/or East Asian languages and cultures at Dartmouth College, Princeton University, Indiana University, the University of Chicago, and the University of California, Los Angeles. Prior to joining the University, he was professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations of Harvard University. 政治與行政學講座教授 Professor of Government and Public Administration ‘ 大學委任牛銘實教授出任政治與行政學講座教授,任期由 二零零四年八月五日起生效。 牛教授一九八七年取得德州奧斯汀大學哲學博士學位;加 入中大服務前,為杜克大學政治科學教授。 Prof. Emerson M.S. Niou has been appointed professor of government and public administration from 5th August 2004. Prof. Niou has a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Texas at Austin (1987). He has taught political science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, and the California Institute of Technology. He joined Duke University as associated professor of political science in 1994, becoming professor of political science in 2002. 神學組易名崇基學院神學院 Renaming of Theology Division 大學校董會已接納崇基學院校董會及崇基神學校董會之建議,將崇基學院神學 組易名為「崇基學院神學院」,由二零零四年八月一日起生效。是次易名標誌著崇基 學院的神學教育進一步的發展,對學術界、社會及教會作出更大的承擔。 The Theology Division of the University has been officially renamed the Divinity School of Chung Chi College from 1st August 2004, following approval by the University Council. 一百四十四項計劃獲研究資助局撥款 RGC Research Grants for 2004-2005 香港研究資助局於二零零四至二零零五年度撥出四億三百餘萬元供各院校教研 人員競逐;另撥六千五百萬元直接資助各院校成本少於二十萬元的研究計劃。 是年中大共有一百四十四項研究計劃取得競爭性撥款,資助金額共計七千八百 五十萬餘元,另獲一千三百六十萬餘元直接撥款。 該一百四十四項研究計劃分屬生物學及醫學(三十八項)、工程學(四十八項)、 自然科學(二十項)和人文、社會科學及商科(三十八項),詳見研究及科技事務處的 網頁 (ht tp://。 A total of 144 research proposals submitted by academic and research staff of the University have been awarded earmarked grants totalling HK$78.5 million from the Research Grants Council (RGC) this year. The University also received a direct allocation of HK$13.64 million to finance small projects. For 2004-5, the government has made available some HK$403 million for selected research proposals submitted by academic and research personnel in the UGC-funded tertiary institutions, and HK$65 million for direct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects. The 144 CUHK projects selected for earmarked grants fall into four subject disciplines: biology and medicine (38); engineering (48); physical sciences (20); and the humanities, social sciences and business studies (38). For details please refer to Funding Support for CUHK Research The following seven research projects undertaken by the University have attracted funding support from different quarters locally: • ID Face: Identification and Detection of Face in Image, Video, and Sketch (HK$5,792,000) Sponsor: Innovation and Technology Fund Principal investigator. Prof. Tang Xiaoou (Department of Information Engineering) CU co-investigator: Dr. Jianzhuang Liu • Putonghua Festival 2004 (HK$ 1,200,000) Sponsor: The Language Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Ho Wai Kit (Centre for Research and Development of Putonghua Education, HKIER) CU co-investigator: Mrs. Winnie Lai Chan Wei Ling • Research on the Control of Infectious Diseases (HK$25,000,000) Sponsor: Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases Principal investigator. Prof. Joseph Sung (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics) • Index to Hong Kong Newspaper Literary Supplements (HK$460,470) Sponsor. The Hong Kong Arts Development Council Principal investigator. Mr. Leo Ma Fai Hung (University Library System) • Development and Technology Transfer of Intelligent Electronics Toys (HK$ 1,986,500) Sponsor. Innovation and Technology Fund and Lung Cheong Toys Ltd. Principal investigator: Prof. Xu Yangsheng (Department of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering) CU co-investigators: Mr. Tong Hang and Mr. Lee Ka Keung • A Pilot Study to Examine the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Community Model for Exercise Prescription for Patients with Chronic Diseases (HK$77,310) Sponsor. Health and Health Services Research Fund Principal investigator. Prof. Jean Woo (Department of Community and Family Medicine) • A Randomized Controlled Study to Evaluate the Relative Efficacy of Using the Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) Approach and the Information Distribution Approach to Reduce HIV-related Risk Behaviours Among Hong Kong Male Cross-border Truck Drivers (HK$597,819) Sponsor. Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases Principal investigator. Prof. Lau Tak Fai Joseph (Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics) 二零零四至二零零五年度系主任/院長及學科主任名單 Department Chairs and Directors of Studies 2004-2005 文學院 中國語言及文學 陳雄根教授 文化及宗教研究 賴品超教授 英文 Prof. David Parker 藝術 蘇芳淑教授 歷史 蘇基朗教授 日本研究 李活雄教授 語言學及現代語言 鄧慧蘭教授 音樂 陳永華教授 哲學 關子尹教授 翻譯 陳善偉教授 工商管理學院 會計學院 謝家正教授(院長) 決策科學與企業經濟學 張惠民教授 財務學 楊瑞輝教授 酒店及旅遊管理學院 李金漢教授(院長) 管理學 劉忠明教授 市場學 董何淑貞教授 教育學院 課程與教學 黃顯華教授 教育行政與政策 汪雅量教授 教育心理學 侯傑泰教授 體育運動科學 莊大偉教授 工程學院 自動化與計算機輔助工程學 任揚教授 計算機科學與工程學 梁廣錫教授 電子工程學 黃世平教授 2 暑期特刊 二零零四年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 2004
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