Constipation is common and 30% of children worldwide are now suffering from such symptom. To better understand the socio-environmental factors leading to chronic constipation, researchers of the Division of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology, Department of Surgery, CUHK, had conducted a territory-wide survey in primary schools from March to June 2011. Over 2,300 Primary 1–6 children were randomly selected and interviewed. The findings confirmed that 12.2% of children in Hong Kong have constipation.
The survey had identified some high risk factors associated with constipation, e.g. both parents are not living with the child and they seldom dine together; the child is used to avoid bowel movements in school; overloaded with homework; does not get enough sleep; dislikes vegetables; but loves snacks and fast food etc. ‘Childhood constipation is prevalent in our society and fecal incontinence in children is always a result of untreated chronic constipation. Parents, schools and primary health care physicians should promote a positive attitude of using school toilets and building up a regular bowel habit in our children,’ said Dr. Tam Yuk-him, honorary clinical associate professor and the chief investigator of the study.
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