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- Meeting with Astronauts
- Marginalia
- Feature
- From VC's Desk
- Campus News
- International Sociological Association
- Gordon Research Conferences
- Cross-Strait Green University Consortium Summer Camp
- EX.I.T.E Camp
- Center for Housing Innovations Visits Malaysia
- Chen Shupeng Geoinformation Science Book Gallery Unveiled
- Mobile Schooling Project Receives Donation
- Long-standing Mystery of Human Reproduction Solved
- Cultural Programme for Mainland Students
- Daniele Perissin Receives Dragon Programme Award
- Dennis Lo Awarded by American Association for Clinical Chemistry
- Physics Department Signs Agreement with CERN
- CUHK Wins Silver in Programming Contest
- Teenage Writer Donates Proceed to I‧CARE Programme
- New Technology Cures Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation
- Professor Charles K. Kao Research Exchange Scholarships
- The Second 'World Youth Leaders Forum'
- Travel Study Programme to Washington, DC
- School of Continuing and Professional Studies Fashion Show
- CUHK Professors Participate in Project Funded by RGC
- Conferences
- Exchange
- Faculties
- Giving
- Medical
- Honours
- Departments
- Scholarships
- Colleges
- Students
- Research
- Announcements
- New/Reappointed Council Members
- New Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor
- New/Reappointed College Heads
- Emeritus Professors
- Investment Returns on Designated Investment Funds of Staff Superannuation Scheme 1995
- Election for Change of MPF Scheme
- Performance Review and Development System (PRDS) for Non-teaching Staff
- Art Museum Exhibitions
- Establishment of the Review Committee on the Handling of Sexual Harassment
- Renewal of Parking Label for 2012–13
- Change of Traffic Direction
- Revision of Dental Charges
- Obituaries
- Thirteen Research Projects Receives Grants
- Community Services
- Arts and Leisure
- Ins and Outs
- Thus Spake...
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