Annual Report 2017–18
管理與行政 Governance and Administration 61 張妙清教授 ,SBS,JP Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung , SBS, JP 由2013年2月1日起為當然成員 ex officio from 1 February 2013 香港中文大學副校長 Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 張教授現任中大副校長、心理學講座教授及香港亞太研 究所聯席所長。她於1977年加入中大,曾任社會科學院院 長、香港平等機會委員會首任主席、國際測驗委員會前會 長、香港心理學會院士及前任會長、美國心理學會及心理 科學學會院士,並於1995至1997年獲聘為香港事務顧問。 她獲頒國際應用心理學會傑出科學貢獻獎(2014年)、美 國心理學會推動心理學國際發展傑出貢獻獎(2012年)、 美國心理學會國際分會傑出國際心理學家獎(2005年), 以及美國明尼蘇達大學傑出國際領袖獎(2003年)。 Professor Cheung is Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor of Psychology and Co-Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies of CUHK. She joined CUHK in 1977 and was Dean of the Faculty of Social Science. She is the Founding Chairperson of the Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission, Past President of the International Test Commission, a Fellow and former President of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Association for Psychological Science (APS). She was appointed a Hong Kong Affairs Adviser (1995– 1997). She received the IAAP Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award (2014), APA Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology (2012), Distinguished International Psychologist Award of APA Division 52 (2005), and Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals from the University of Minnesota (2003). 潘偉賢教授 Prof. Poon Wai-yin 由2015年5月1日起為當然成員 ex officio from 1 May 2015 香港中文大學副校長 Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 潘教授現為中大副校長及統計學系教授。她於1987年加 入中大,曾任協理副校長(2014年),學能提升研究中心 主任(2012至2015年),科學教育促進中心主任(2006 至2014年)及理學院副院長(教育)(2004至2014年)。 她協助理學院設計新四年制課程,實踐果效為本教學,亦 為大學制訂加強教學質素的長遠策略,2011年獲大學教 育資助委員會頒發首屆「教資會傑出教學獎」。 Professor Poon is Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor in the Department of Statistics of CUHK. She joined CUHK in 1987 and was Associate Vice-President (2014), Director of Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research (CLEAR) (2012–2015), Director of the Centre for Promoting Science Education (2006–2014), and Associate Dean (Education) in the Faculty of Science (2004– 2014). She was the champion and leader in weaving an Outcomes Based Approach into the design of the new four-year curriculum for the entire Faculty of Science. She has also made important contributions to the strategic development of educational quality in the University. She was conferred the inaugural UGC Award for Teaching Excellence by the University Grants Committee in 2011. 吳基培教授 Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng 由2017年8月1日起為當然成員 ex officio from 1 August 2017 香港中文大學副校長 Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 吳教授現為中大副校長及化學系教授,他於美國加州 理工學院任研究員一年後,於1994年返回母校化學系 任教,出任大學輔導長(2009 – 2017年)、協理副校長 (2011 – 2017年)及理學院副院長(學生事務)(2004至 2008年)。他是英國皇家化學學會院士及特許化學家,以 及英國科學委員會特許科學家。他擔任多項公職,對本地 中學科學教育的課程發展及評核貢獻殊多。 Professor Ng is Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor in the Department of Chemistry of CUHK. After working as a Research Fellow in Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology for one year, he returned to his alma mater in 1994 to take up a Lecturership in the Department of Chemistry. He was the University Dean of Students (2009–2017), Associate Vice-President (2011–2017) and Associate Dean (Student Affairs) of the Faculty of Science (2004–2008). He is a Fellow and Chartered Chemist of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Chartered Scientist of the Science Council, UK. He has made significant contributions to curriculum development and assessment in Hong Kong’s secondary science education by participating in various related committees. 梁定邦博士 ,SC,JP Dr. Anthony Neoh , SC, JP 由2017年3月2日起獲委任為大學司庫 appointed Treasurer of the University from 2 March 2017 香港執業資深大律師及仲裁員 Senior Counsel and International Arbitrator 梁博士現為中大司庫、香港執業資深大律師及國際仲 裁員,一直致力教學與研究法律金融史及當前金融監管 課題。他曾任香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會主席及中 國證券監督管理委員會首席顧問,現為獨立監察警方處
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