Annual Report 2008–09
24 兩岸學術交流 二零零八至零九年度,中大繼續拓展與內 地及台灣頂尖院校、研究中心、學術及政 府機構,以及學術聯盟的夥伴合作關係, 並加以深化。是年度,續簽及新簽的協議 共五十三份,加強了成立聯合實驗室、舉 辦學生交流、開展研究項目以及聯辦課程 等範圍的學術協作。 中大與內地合作夥伴成立了多個研究單 位: ‧中.華.基因組研究中心 ‧香港中文大學與南開大學社會政策聯 合研究中心 ‧香港中文大學—浙江大學人類生殖及 相關疾病聯合研究中心 ‧香港中文大學與華南理工大學自動化科 學與工程聯合研究中心 是年度,中大共接待了一百五十二個內地 及台灣代表團,部分來訪代表為: ‧國家科學技術部部長萬鋼教授 ‧江蘇省委常委、南京市委書記朱善璐教授 ‧國家教育部副部長吳啟廸教授 ‧武漢大學校長顧海良教授 ‧中山大學校長黃達人教授 • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile)— University-wide Undergraduate Student Exchange • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (France)—Traditional Chinese Medicine • The University of Oxford China Centre (UK)— Research in Chinese Studies • Brown University (US)—University-wide Graduate Student Exchange • George Mason University (US)—Research in Geoinformation and Earth Sciences • House Ear Institute (US)—Research in Hearing Sciences • Yeshiva University (US)—Law Graduate Student Exchange Links with Mainland China and Taiwan In 2008–09, CUHK continued to expand and deepen academic linkages and alliances with leading institutions, research institutes, academic or government organizations in mainland China and Taiwan. A total of 53 new and renewed academic agreements were signed during the year to fortify academic collaboration in areas ranging from joint laboratory, student exchange, to research project and joint programme with the University’s partners. In July 2008, 20 CUHK students from New Asia College went to Switzerland for a series of cultural exchange activities with 20 Swiss students from St. Gallen University. Later in August, the Swiss students visited Hong Kong and experienced both the prosperous side of the city through visits to listed companies such as the Hongkong Electric and the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, as well as the lives of the grass-roots through trips to Sham Shui Po and old districts in Central and Sheung Wan. Chan Wing-yee Gloria, Year 1 student from the Faculty of Law, was excited about her first trip to Europe. ‘The conversation with Mr. Dong Jinyi, the Chinese ambassador to Switzerland, was eye-opening. He was willing to answer our questions regarding various social problems in China such as the difference in development between coastal and inland areas, protection of intellectual property rights. Now I have a better understanding of the work of an embassy, and mainland society,’ said Gloria. ‘I am really glad to have participated in these activities. I learned a lot. It is really good to do something normal tourists would not do in Hong Kong,’ said Carina Schneider from Switzerland. 交流計劃拓視野 Expanding Horizons 二零零八年七月,新亞書院與瑞士聖加倫大學各二十 名學生在瑞士參加了一系列文化交流活動。八月初, 瑞士同學來港,中大生盡地主之誼,除了招呼他們遊覽 名勝,更帶領他們參觀香港電燈公司、香港交易所等 機構,亦深入深水埗、中上環等舊區,既感受香港繁榮 的一面,也了解基層生活和社會問題。 法律學院一年級生陳穎儀提起首次歐洲之旅,仍興 奮萬分:「與中國駐瑞士大使董津義先生的面談令我畢生 難忘。董大使回應同學一連串有關內地社會及民生的問 題,如城鄉差距、知識產權等,態度開明,使我對領事工作 及內地社會有更深的了解。」 瑞士學生Carina Schneider說:「我很高興可以參與交流 活動,增廣見聞,能在香港做一些一般遊客不會做的事情, 真不錯。」 中大學生在中國駐瑞士大使館與 中國大使董津義(前排左四)合照 Students meet with Mr. Dong Jinyi (4th left, front row), Chinese ambassador to Switzerland, at the Chinese Embassy in Bern
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