Annual Report 1998-99
理學院重要發展 MA J OR EVENTS I N T HE FACULTY OF SCIENCE 植物與真菌生物科技獲選為大學的廿四個卓越 學科領域之一。上下圖左方皆為普通蕃茄;右 方則為抗病毒蕃茄。 Plant andFungalBiotechnologyhasbeenselectedas one of theUniversity's24areasofexcellence. (Upper) Anordinarytomato(left)andagenetically modifiedtomato(right);(below)theirrespective plants. (上圖〉表面及材料分析中心於一九九九年一月成立。材料科學與技術亦 獲選為學的卓越學科領域。 (下圖)科學館於是年進行大規模翻新,為理學院各學系提供更佳的設 施。 (Upper) The Advanced Surface and Materials Analysis Centre was formally opened in January 1999. Materials Science and Technology has also been selected an area of excellence of the University. (Below) Facilities inside the Science Centre complex after major renovation 學術發展 Academic Development 30
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