Annual Report 2003–04
一九九九至二零零四年來校與外出交換生人數 Number of Incoming and Outgoing Exchange Students, 1999-2004 與兩岸學術交流 本校是年與內地學府聯繫亦有長足進展。第一屆 多雲多雨地區遙感國際會議將於二零零五年五月 在中大舉行;虛擬現實、可視化與圖像學硏究中 心利用中國第三軍醫大學及第一軍醫大學蒐集的 數據,率先製成全球最精密的立體虛擬人;何梁 何利基金成立十周年學術會議「面向未來的中國 科學技術」由本校在二零零四年六月舉辦。 本校是中國大學校長聯誼會創會成員,金耀基校 長在聯誼會二零零三年十月的理事會獲選為副會 長。中大作為該會的境外秘書處,一直積極推動 海峽兩岸與海外學府的交流。 為加強與珠三角區域的合作,中大代表團於二零 零四年三月訪問深圳市政府、深圳大學及深圳大 學城。 年內共有一百二十個來自內地及台灣的學術團體 來訪。 The University is a founding member of the Association of University Presidents of China (AUPC). Vice-chancellor Prof. Ambrose King was elected vice-president of the association in its general meeting held in October 2003. As the secretariat of the AUPC, the University has promoted academic linkages across the straits as well as internationally. To strengthen links with the Pearl River Delta region, a CUHK delegation visited Shenzhen Municipality Government, Shenzhen University, and the University Town of Shenzhen in March 2004. The University received 120 delegations from mainland China and Taiwan in the year. 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 24
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