Annual Report 2021–22
64 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2021–2022 CUHK cherishes the vision of achieving excellence with purpose and responsibility, seeking to forge a better future for all and, contribute to, the development of Hong Kong and mainland China, through education, research, innovation and service. CUHK launched a five- year plan in 2016, which set out its key strategies for expansion. In 2020, we embarked on a new project to formulate our next five-year strategic plan to 2025 (‘CUHK 2025’). ‘CUHK 2025’ reflects our commitment to: (1) delivering education that fosters whole-person development; (2) providing student experience that widens students’ horizons; (3) undertaking research and innovation that create social impact; (4) fostering global engagement that brings the world to the University and the University to the world; (5) nurturing human capital that values ingenuity and diversity; (6) strengthening alumni engagement and institutional advancement that promote the future growth of the University; and (7) fulfilling social responsibility for sustainable development that actualises CUHK’s ethos. These seven areas cover a wide spectrum of university life, and each area is precisely designed to achieve specific goals conducive to the long-term and sustainable growth of the University, as well as the well-being of humankind. Our motto, ‘Through Learning and Temperance to Virtue’, reminds us of the equal importance to be attached to academic excellence and civic responsibility. 中大力臻卓越,任重志遠,致力為普世 謀求更美好的未來,藉着教育、研究、創 新和服務,為香港及國內的發展貢獻己 力。2016年,大學啟動五年計劃,確立發 展要策。2020年,我校揭開新一頁,制訂 了下一個至2025年之五年策略計劃(簡稱 《中大 2025》)。 《中大 2025》闡釋了我們對以下重要範 疇的承擔:(1)推行著重全人發展的教育; (2)為學生提供開拓眼界的學習體驗; (3)進行具社會影響力的科研和創新項 目;(4)加強大學與國際間的聯繫;(5) 培育具原創精神及尊重多元 的人才;(6) 鞏固校友聯繫及籌募拓展工作以促進大 學未來發展;(7)實踐與中大精神一致的 社會責任和可持續發展。這七大範疇涵 蓋全面,全都經過精心規劃並設有特定目 標,以促進大學的長遠及可持續發展,造 福人類。 中大校訓「博文約禮」正好與我們對卓越 學術的追求和社會責任的承擔互相呼應。
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