Annual Report 2003–04

教學輔助設施 ACADEMIC SUPPORT FACILITIES 圖書館服務 總覽 本年度圖書館獲贈書二萬九千七百一十七冊,包 括徐嘉儉先生和關袓堯律師事務所慷慨贈送的法 律書籍。新增書刊包括八萬七千二百七十五冊書 籍、九百九十六種期刊、二千八百三十二種電子 期刊、一百五十三種資料庫、十六種報章及十九 種電子報章。 透過院系聯絡館員與敎師的緊密合作,經由閲選 訂購計劃購入的書籍增加了百分之二十八,並約 佔本年購入的英文書籍總數百分之三十六。經檢 討後,停止訂購使用率較低的期刊,並把印刷本 與電子版並存的期刊改為只訂購電子版,全年節 省了一百一十九萬港元。 圖書館亦為讀者舉辦一百九十四項資訊認知課 程,並在二百八十五次導覽中接待共四千四百九 十位訪客。於二零零三年十至十二月期間,圖書 館為校友舉辦一系列的導覽活動,並在四十周年 校慶博覽會及預科生輔導日為來賓舉辦了四十四 次導覽。善本書庫甚受訪客歡迎,本年度共接待 Library Services An Overview The Library received generous donations of 29,717 volumes of books during the year, including those on law from Mr. K.K. Chu and C.Y. Kwan & Co. In addition to 87,275 volumes of monographs, 996 print journals, 2,832 electronic journals, 153 databases, 16 print newspapers, and 19 electronic newspapers were added to the library collections. With close collaboration between the Faculty Liaison Librarians and faculty members, monographs acquired through approval plans increased by 28 per cent, representing 36 per cent of all English monographs purchased during the year. The Faculty Liaison Librarians worked with faculty members to review the subscriptions to all Elsevier Science journals. Less frequently used titles were cancelled and a number of hybrid subscriptions (both print and electronic) were replaced by subscriptions to the electronic version only. A total of HK$1.19 million was saved in this review exercise. In the past year, 194 information literacy programmes for the University community and 285 guided tours for 4,490 visitors were held. Guided tours for alumni were held on the first Saturday of each month, from October to December 2003. A total of 44 guided tours were offered to the public during the 40th Anniversary Fair and the Orientation Day for Sixth Formers. The Rare Book Room continued to be a popular venue and received 51 group visits, including from Fulbright scholars and over 50 overseas alumni who 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 78