Annual Report 2009–10
86 Finance and Accounts The University has regained financial strength through prudent financial management after a difficult year caused by the financial crisis around the world in 2009. With stable recurring funding from the government and improved operating environment for non-government funded activities, the University was able to turn around the overall deficit of $660 million in the last year to a surplus of $788 million in this financial year 2010. For recurrent activities funded by the government, a deficit of $77 million was incurred as a result of the planned expansion in preparation for the four-year curriculum structure. Surplus from non-government activities increased significantly to $874 million, due to the recovery of the global financial market and the staunch support of our benefactors in response to the Matching Grant Scheme. The total income in 2010 increased by 31% from $4,413 million to $5,773 million, which was attributed to the substantial increase in donations received from $279 million to $694 million and the improved investment returns from a loss of $471 million to a gain of $374 million. The University is very grateful to the alumni, friends and organizations for their generous financial support. Government Subventions, including Block Grants, Earmarked Grants, Capital Grants and grants from other government agencies, dropped slightly to $2,874 million, mainly due to the funding clawed back by University Grants Committee (UGC) following the implementation of negative pay adjustment for the civil service during the year. Tuition, Programmes and Other Fees showed a rise of $129 million to $1,336 million in 2010 as more tuition fees were received from self-financed programmes. Total expenditure in 2010 fell slightly by 2% to $4,985 million from $5,073 million, largely due to savings in the expenses on Institutional Support. Expenditure on Instruction and Research, the largest area of the University’s investment, was maintained at a steady level of $3,680 million. Total spending on Library, Central Computing Facilities and Other Academic Services declined by 9% to $377 million in 2010. The total net assets have grown by 9% from $8,978 million to $9,766 million in 2010, thereby further 財務與賬目 大學在二零零九年的環球金融危機下, 經歷了艱辛的一年,但能藉着謹慎的財 務管理政策,使本年度的財政狀況得到 改善。有賴穩定的政府撥款及好轉的 經營環境,大學的營運得以轉虧為盈, 由去年虧損六億六千萬元,轉為錄得 七億八千八百萬元盈餘。 大學為應付四年新學制而需要籌備擴 展,使政府資助的經常帳錄得七千七百 萬元虧損。而非政府資助金盈餘則大幅 增加至八億七千四百萬元,這全因環球 金融市場復甦及社會各界友好人士及校 友在配對補助金計劃推動下的大力支 持。 大學的總收入在二零一零年度上升百 分之三十一,從去年四十四億一千三百 萬元增至五十七億七千三百萬元。總 收入的增加主要是捐贈款額由去年 二億七千九百萬元大幅度增加至今年度 六億九千四百萬元;而投資回報則由去 年虧蝕四億七千一百萬元轉為本年度之 收益三億七千四百萬元。大學對校友、 友好人士及機構的慷慨捐輸,表示衷心 感謝。 政府資助包括整體補助金、指定用 途補助金、基建補助金及來自其他政 府機構的資助。由於大學教育資助委 員會(教資會)在年內因跟隨公務員 下調薪酬而減少對大學的資助金額, 使本年度的整體政府資助輕微下跌 至二十八億七千四百萬元。非教資會 資助課程的收入較去年上升,因此, 學費、課程及其他收費的總收益增 加了一億二千九百萬元,至本年度的 十三億三千六百萬元。 本年度的總支出由上年度的五十億七千 三百萬元輕微下跌百分之二至四十九億 八千五百萬元,主要是大學輔助服務方 面的開支得到控制。在各類的經費中, 教學及研究仍是大學的主要支出,維持 平穩在三十六億八千萬元。相反,本年 度投放於圖書館、中央電腦設施及其 他教學服務的支出則減少百分之九至 三億七千七百萬元。
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