Annual Report 1999–2000
校園建設與環境保護 86 CAMPU SDEVELOPMEN T AN DENVIRONMENTA L PROTECTIO N 危險品倉庫 Dangerous goods stores 白石角填海作科學園園址 A Science Park will be built on reclaimed land at Pak Shek Kok. 得如火如荼,但由於一直受到監察,所以對本校環境的不良 影響已減至最低。 九廣鐵路大學站上行線車站擴建已完竣並啟用,下行線的 擴建部分及改善工程則仍繼續。而毗鄰大學站的新校巴站及 車圃亦相繼落成啟用。 安全事務 校方定期作安全審核,以確保校園各處倶維持高度的安全標 準。是年又制定具體計劃,以改善飯堂的安全設施和部分 建築物的空調設備,包括更新實驗室的抽氣系統。其他改善 工程包括於上落通道加建扶手,為建築物加設緊急照明,以 及改善火警警報及廣播系統。大學又更換了空調系統的水塔 及水泵,以及工作間內不符安全標準的設備。 另外,為了響應政府推行的樓宇安全檢驗計劃,校內十六幢 最齡的建築物已完成檢驗;其中八幢並已開展修繕工程。 大學安全事務處下設危險品組,專責儲存和管理危險化學 品。校方特於校園東廓新建了四十八個危險品食庫,各佔地 十平方米,以減少在實驗室內存放化學品的數量;又繼續聘 請專業的承辦商,以清理逾期和不穩定的化學品、化學廢 料和生物廢料等。 to i mp r o ve air-conditioning and ventilation systems a t a n umb er o f buildings were planned. Replacement o f decrepit fume cupboards and exhaust systems i n laboratory buildings were under wa y, and enhancement project s related t o fall prevention, emergency lighting , emergency/fire alarm systems, and public announcement facilities were implemented. C o o l i ng towers and condensing water pumps were upgraded, an d ageing and unsafe equipment was replaced. I n response t o t h e government's B u i l d i ng Safety Inspection Scheme, c o n d i t i on surveys and inspections were conducted f o r 1 6 o f the oldest buildings o n campus, eight o f w h i c h were f o l l owed u p o n w i t h remedial works. A Dangerous Goods T e am was se t u p under th e Safety Office t o take charge o f th e storage and management o f specified dangerous chemicals. A n e w dangerous goods store complex consisting o f 4 8 risk-contained compartments w i t h a storage capacity of 1 0 square metres each was erected o n th e eastern campus. Laboratory risks were greatly alleviated as th e need t o store dangerouschemicals i n laboratories wa s reduced. A long-term programme continued wh e r e by th e disposal o f chemical wastes, biological wastes, as we ll as obsolete and sometimes unstable chemicals wa s done t h r o u gh specialist contractors.
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