Research &

Research Themes
Global Health Policy, Health System & Healthcare Delivery

Research Papers
Zhong C.C.W., Wong C.H.L.*, Cheung W.K.W., Yeoh E.-K., Hung C.T., Yip B.H.K., Wong E.L.Y., Wong S.Y.S., Chung V.C.H. (2021). Peri-discharge complex interventions for reducing 30-day hospital readmissions among heart failure patients: overview of systematic reviews and network meta-analysis. Perspectives in Public Health, published online 15 March 2021.
Wong ELY, Xu RH*, Cheung AWL (2020). Health-related quality of life in elderly people with hypertension and the estimation of minimally importance differences using EQ-5D-5L in Hong Kong SAR, China. European Journal of Health Economics, 21:869–879.
Chung GKK, Dong D, Wong SYS, Wong H, Chung RYN* (2020). Perceived poverty and health, and their roles in the poverty-health vicious cycle: a qualitative study of major stakeholders in the healthcare setting in Hong Kong. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19:13.
Wong ELY, Cheung AWL, Wong AYK, Xu RH, Ramos-Goñi JM, Rivero-Arias O (2019). Normative Profile of Health-Related Quality of Life for Hong Kong General Population Using Preference-Based Instrument EQ-5D-5L. Value in Health, 22(8):916–924.
Chung RYN, Chan D, Chau NNS, Huang S, Wong H, Wong SYS (2019). Poverty affects access to regular source of primary care among the general population in Hong Kong. Social Policy and Administration, 53(6):854–871.
Poon CM, Wong ELY*, Chau PYK, Yau SY, Yeoh EK (2019). Management decision of hospital surge: assessing seasonal upsurge in inpatient medical bed occupancy rate among public acute hospitals in Hong Kong. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 112(1):11–16.
Lai TT, Wong SYS*, Yip BHK, Guthrie B, Mercer SW, Chung RYN, Chung GKK, Chau PYK, Wong ELY, Woo J, Yeoh EK (2019). Multimorbidity in middle age predicts more subsequent hospital admissions than in older age: A nine-year retrospective cohort study of 121,188 discharged in-patients. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 61:103–111.
Zhang DX, Chan DCC, Niu L, Liu HM, Zou D, Chan ATY, Gao TT, Zhong BL, Sit RWS, Wong SYS (2018). Meaning and its association with happiness, health and healthcare utilization: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 227:795–802.
Threapleton D, Chung RYN, Wong SYS, Wong ELY, Kiang N, Chau PYK, Woo J, Chung VCH, Yeoh EK (2017). Care Toward the End of Life in Older Populations and Its Implementation Facilitators and Barriers: A Scoping Review. Journal of The American Medical Directors Association, 18(12):1000–1009.
Chung RYN, Wong ELY, Kiang N, Chau PYK, Lau JYC, Wong SYS, Yeoh EK, Woo J (2017). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Preferences of Advance Decisions, End-of-Life Care, and Place of Care and Death in Hong Kong. A Population-Based Telephone Survey of 1067 Adults. Journal of The American Medical Directors Association, 18(4):367e19–367e27.
Chung RYN, Mercer SW, Yip BHK, Chan SWC, Lai FTT, Wang HHX, Wong MCS, Wong CKM, Sit RWS, Yeoh EK, Wong SYS (2016). The association between types of regular primary care and hospitalization among people with and without multimorbidity: A household survey on 25,780 Chinese. Scientific Reports, 6:29758.
Wong ELY, Yeoh EK, Chau PYK, Yam CHK, Cheung AWL, Fung H (2015). How shall we examine and learn about public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the health sector? Realist evaluation of PPPs in Hong Kong. Social Science & Medicine, 147:261–269.
Research Grants
Hospital Authority Patient Experience Survey Projects (a) Two Patient Experience Surveys on specialist Outpatient Service and (b) One Patient Experience Survey on Inpatient Service
PI: Prof Eliza WONG
Sponsor: Hospital Authority
Duration: 2018 – 2021
Scaling up of community skills in health, emergency disaster risk management in rural communities in China
PI: Prof Emily CHAN
Sponsor: Kadoorie Charitable Foundation
Duration: 2018 – 2020
ASAP Healthy Life Planning: Assist Students to Acquire and Practice Health Knowledge and Skills
PI: Prof Albert LEE
Sponsor: Quality Education Fund (QEF), HKSAR Government
Duration: 2019 – 2022
Complex interventions for reducing 30-day avoidable hospital readmission among adults: recommendations for Hong Kong via overview of systematic reviews and stakeholder consensus
PI: Prof Vincent CHUNG
Sponsor: Food and Health Bureau (FHB) Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Duration: 2019 – 2021
Individual-level income poverty and deprivation as predictors of health. A longitudinal cohort study in Hong Kong
PI: Prof Roger CHUNG
Sponsor: Research Grants Council (RGC) General Research Fund (GRF)
Duration: 2020 – 2021
Healthcare professionals’ perceptions on post discharge information summary (PDIS): application on the theoretical domains framework (TDF) to identify barriers and enablers for implementation
PI: Prof Eliza WONG
Sponsor: Food and Health Bureau (FHB) Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF)
Duration: 2020–2022
Profiling Older Population’s Risks in the Kwai Tsing Neighbourhood and Optimize the Service Operations at District Health Centres: Data-driven Service Model and Policy Design
PI: Prof Albert LEE
Sponsor: Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) Strategic Public Policy Research (SPPR) Funding Scheme
Duration: 2020 – 2023
A Feasibility Study on A Healthcare Voucher Scheme for Screening and Management of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Associated Chronic Diseases in the General Population: A Mixed Methods Evaluation
PI: Prof YEOH Eng Kiong
Sponsor: Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office (PICO) Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme
Duration: 2020 – 2023