Annual Report 2009–10
41 研 究 Research 研究項目重點 卓越學科領域 於二零零九至一零年度,中大繼續領導了 三個大學教育資助委員會(教資會)卓越 學科領域的項目,即「植物及農業生物科 技中心」、「中醫中藥研究與發展」,以及 「母體血漿胎兒核酸研究中心」。二零零 九年九月,中大再有兩個研究項目獲甄選 為卓越學科領域,分別為文學院科大衛教 授的「中國社會的歷史人類學研究」,以 及工程學院楊偉豪教授領導的「網絡編碼 研究所」。 國家重點實驗室 中大於二零一零年六月獲准成立兩所國 家重點實驗室——合成化學國家重點實驗 室,以及植物化學與西部植物資源可持續 利用國家重點實驗室(香港中文大學)。 前者由香港大學和中大共建,是上海有機 化學研究所金屬有機化學國家重點實驗 室的夥伴實驗室,旨在開創和鑒別在結構 和成鍵上有重要意義或有特別應用價值 的新穎化合物,並設計環保方法,合成對 人類社會有貢獻的化合物;後者則專研傳 統中醫藥現代化及生物科技的醫藥應用。 研究出版 二零零九至一零年度,大學共發表了六千 七百三十項研究成果,包括二千六百 四十八篇會議論文、二千五百七十四篇 期刊文章、五百一十七項專書、專題文章 與書章,一百五十四項原創與文學作品、 顧問報告、個案研究,以及八百三十七 項其他成果。 學術榮譽 諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、中大博文講 座教授兼晨興書院院長莫理斯教 授,獲愛丁堡皇家學會頒授二零零九 年皇家獎章,表彰他在經濟理論的 傑出貢獻。 生物醫學學院鄭漢其教授及物理系 夏克青教授,獲頒二零零九年度國 家自然科學獎二等獎。鄭教授得獎 的研究為與南京大學譚仁祥教授 及孔令東教授,以及蘭州大學 鄭榮梁教授及賈忠建教授合作 的「若干重要藥用植物的成分研 究」;夏教授則以「湍流熱對流的 實驗研究」獲獎。 Research Highlights Areas of Excellence During the report period the University continued to play a leading role in three University Grants Committee Areas of Excellence (AoEs): Centre for Plant and Agricultural Biotechnology, Chinese Medicine Research and Further Development, and Centre for Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acid. In September 2009 the University was awarded two new AoEs: The Historical Anthropology of Chinese Society (Prof. David Faure, Faculty of Arts) and Institute of Network Coding (Prof. Raymond W.H.Yeung, Faculty of Engineering). State Key Laboratories Approval was given in June 2010 for the establish- ment of the University State Key Laboratories (SKL)— The SKL on Synthetic Chemistry and the SKL of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China (CUHK). The former, established in partnership with the University of Hong Kong and the SKL of Organometallic Chemistry of the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, aims to create and identify novel chemical compounds with important structural and bonding features or with notable potential for practical applications, and also plans to develop new environmentally-friendly methods for synthesizing useful chemical compounds. The latter is aims at conducting research into the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and the application of biotechnology in medical science. Published Research During the 2009–10 academic year, 6,730 research outputs were recorded. These included 2,648 conference papers; 2,574 journal publications; 517 scholarly books, monographs and chapters; 154 creative and literary works, consulting reports and case studies; and 837 other outputs. 莫理斯教授(右)獲愛丁堡皇家學會頒授2009年皇家獎章 Prof. Sir James Mirrlees (right) was awarded a Royal Medal 2009 by The Royal Society of Edinburgh
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