Annual Report 1999–2000
本校追求水準卓越的敎學及研究,盡力為敎研人員提供世界 一流的研究設施。 研究基建新發展 本校原有九個研究所,為敎研人員提供研究設備和資源。 二零零零年一月,本校增設第十個研究所——中醫中藥研究 所,匯集醫學院、理學院和工程學院六十多名敎研人員開 發中醫藥科研。該所將可強化本校二十多年來的中醫中藥研 究工作,並配合香港近年中醫中藥的發展。 除了這些大型研究所外,各學院和學系轄下規模較小的研究 中心也續有增加,以促進不同學科的研究工作。 大學的研究委員會是負貴分配內部研究撥款的主要單位之 一,屬下有七個學科小組,各有約十名經驗豐富的研究人員 提供意見。委員會又負責評估研究計劃書,並推薦合適者申 請校外研究資助。 研究及科技事務處則專責科研行政及科技轉移事務,並全權 處理各類科技及研究合約事項,和統籌有關知識產權的事 宜。該處亦為研究委員會的秘書處。 The Chinese Universit y of H o n g K o ng strives for excellence i n teaching as well as research, and its research activities are supported by advanced and world-clas s facilities. New Developments in Research Infrastructure Before 1999-2000 there were altogether nine major research institutes providing faculty members w i t h financial support and other resources for research. I n January 2000, the Institute of Chinese Medicine (ICM) was newl y established, drawing on the strength, of over 60 active researchers f r om th e Faculties of Medicine, Science, and Engineering to conduct Chinese medicine research. The I C M is a major step towards consolidating the research activities undertaken by the Universit y on Chinese medicine over the past t w o decades, and to support th e growing emphasis o n developing Chinese medicine in H o n g Kong. Apart f r om these major research institutes, there was a marked increas e i n the number of smaller research centres/units set up under the auspice s of faculties and departments during the year to promote research in various subject disciplines. The Research Committee is one of the main bodies responsible fo r internal allocation of funding for research. Supported by seven subject panels eac h consisting of up to 10 experienced researchers, the committee is also charged w i t h the responsibility of evaluating and recommending project proposals seeking external research grants. The Research and Technology Administration Office ( R T AO) is responsible for research administration and facilitating technology transfer. A l l intellectual property rights are administered through th e R T A O unless and until assigned. Apart f r om managing all technology licensing and R & D contracts i n all subject areas, the R T A O also serves as the secretariat of the Research Committee. 研究 39 RESEARC H
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