Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 12 Jun 1965
he returned to T a i w an in 1955 and re-joined the T a i w an T a i w an N o r m al Un i v e r s i ty as a lecturer. Me a nwh i l e, he j o i n ed the Institute of Nuclear Science of T s i ng H u a Un i v e r s i ty and supervised the establishment of an advanced physics laboratory. A year later he became a f u l l - t i me staff of the Institute and was appointed as associate professor in 1959. I n the S ummer of 1958, he attended th e t r a i n i ng course in " Ra d i a t i on and Applications of Radioisotopes" held at the Institute of Radioisotopes in T o k y o. Later, he also taught p a r t - t i me at T u n g H a i Un i v e r s i ty and was an appointed regional p a r t - t i me lecture r of I . A . E . A. for the t r a i n i ng course on " Ap p l i c a t i o ns o f Radioisotopes". He served as a member of the Editorial Board of the Chinese Physical Society d u r i ng the year 1958-60. I n C h u n g C hi College, he is a lecture r and the acting chairman of the Physics De p a r t me n t. H is publications i n c l u d e: ''Methods of X-and Gamma- rays Monitoring by use of Kodak Personal Monitoring Film, Type II”, (1960); “ A Study of the Detecticn of Neutrons with Eastman NTA-type Nuclear Trick Emu l s i o n ," (1960); “The Situation of Fall-out on the Campus of Tsing Hua U n i v e r s i t y ," (1960); “Dose Buildup Factors of Paraffin due to Co-to Gamma-rays,'' (1960); “Fission Cross Section of U-238 for 1 4 -Mew Neutrons,” (1961); “Photographic Measurements of the Neutron Spectrum and Absolute Yield of the Plutonium-Beryllium Source,” (1962); ''Fading of Latent Image in Japanese Fuji ET7-A and ET-6B Nuclear Emulsions,'' (1963); “The Mean Number of Neutrons Emitted per Fission of U - 2 3 8 Inducedb y 1 4 - M e wNeutrons'' (1963); ''Photographic Measurements of the Energy Spectrum of Electron-Beam from Van de Graaff Electron Accelerator,” (1963); “Introduction of Proton Recoil-Type Fast Neutron Detector and its Construction," (1964). Rev, Walton H. Tonge, Chung Chi College, Religious Knowledge and Philosophy Rev. Wa l t on H . To n g e, also Chaplain of C h u ng C h i College, was b o rn of Canadian parents in 1921. He received his earlier education in Western Canada and then attended T o r o n to Un i v e r s i ty where he received his arts and theological degrees. He married th e daughter of a West Ch i na missionary in 1945, and u p on graduation and ordaination by the U n i t ed C h u r c h of Canada in 1946, he and his wif e came to China where they were engaged in educational wo rk in Ch e n g t u and C h u n g k i ng f r om 1946 to 1949. O n r e t u r n i ng to Canada they served as pastorat e i n Ontario for four years, and then M r . T o n ge was appointed D i s t r i ct Secretary for the British and Foreign Bible Society in Western Ontario. I n 1957 M r . & M r s. T o n ge and thei r four children came to H o n g K o n g and j o i n ed the staf f of C h u ng C h i College. M r . T o n ge served as A c t i ng Head of the Religious Education and Th e o l o gy De p a r t me nt u n t il 1960 wh en he was appointed Chaplain and L e c t u r er i n the De p a r t me nt of Religious Kn ow l e d ge and Philosophy. NEW UNI VERS I TY STAFF Mr. Perry Siu Staff Tutor, Extra-Mural Department M r . Siu was b o r n in H o n g K o n g and received his secondary education in Wa h Yan College. He was matriculated in N . S . W . , Australia and later graduated w i t h a B . A. Degree f r om the Un i v e r s i ty of Sydney. He attained his D i p l oma of Education the f o l l ow i ng year f r om the Sydney Teacher's College. Mr. Siu taugh t English & Social Studies in Australia n h i gh schools before r e t u r n i ng to H o n g K o n g in 1963, wh en he joined the De p a r t me nt of E x t r a - M u r al Studies, Un i v e r s i ty of H o n g K o n g. D u r i ng his short t e r m of service in that university, he was responsible fo r the organizing of education, science, psychology and sociology courses. Am o ng other duties, M r . Siu offered courses in “ C u l t u re and Personality", "Parliamentary Procedure" and " I n t r o d u c t i on to Counselling and Gu i d a n c e " , H e was also tutor-in-charge for 2 years of "Social and Psychological Aspects of Crime", an intensive 10 day course given to senior members of the Police Force. COLLEGE REPORTS A T h e Mu s ic Society of N ew Asi a College presented ‘ ‘ T h e Pirates of Penzance", an opera, on M a r c h 20 and 21 in the College Hall. I t was attended by many 5
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