Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 5 Dec 1965
I I I : I (May , 1962), pp. 187-222: “China's Opposition to Western Science during Late Ming and Early Ch’ing,” Isis, Vol. 53, part 1 , No. 175 (March, 1963), pp. 29-49; “Some Aspects of Chinese Science Before the Arrival of the Jesuits" Chung Chi Journal, 2:2 ( Ma y, 1963), pp. 169-180; ''Mori Arinori's Mission to China, 1876," i b i d . , 3 :1 ( No v emb e r, 1963), pp. 46-54; “Sir Henry Pottinger and Hong Kong, 1841-1843," i b i d ., 3 :2 ( Ma y, 1964), pp. 162-174. Dr. Wong is spending the 1965-1966 academic year at the Fletcher School of La w and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford , Massachusetts, as a Research Associate under an exchange programme sponsored by the Asia Foundation. Dr. Wong is married, and his wife, a Doctor of Medicine , is teaching Biochemistry at th e University of Hong Kong. ASSISTANT LECTURERS [In the order of availability of biographies) Mr. Ian W. Gowers, Chung Chi College, History. M r . Ian W. Gowers was born i n London and read History at the University of Bristol. He then taught in secondary schools before coming t o Hong Kong in early 1957 to the Department of History and Geography, Chung Chi College , as a lay missionary with the Methodist Missionary Society. During a study leave in 1961-62, Mr. Gowers investigated the History of Puritanism in Devon 1570- 1662 at the University of Exeter. He is a member of the Historical Association (Hong Kong). Since the summer of 1963 , he has also been editor of the College Bulletin and currently serves as Chairma n of the Overseas Students Committee. Mrs. Chow Lin Lien Hsien, Chung Chi College, Chinese Literature. In 1940, Mrs. Chow was awarded the Chiang Chung Cheng Scholarship to study Literature in the National South-West United University. She later studied Etymology, Phonology and Philology in the National Sun Yet-Sen University and received the B.A. degree in 1944. Before joining Chung Chi College, she had been a lecturer at the following schools: Ku o Yu Training Institute of Swatow, The Government Evening School of Higher Chinese Studies of Hon g Kong, Tak M i ng College and Kingsway College of Hong Kong. Publications: A Comparison between Mandarin and Cantonese (1961); A Study of Initials in Swatow Dialect (1962); The Use of Certain Particles as Suffixes to Verbs in Cantonese (1963); The Entering Tone in Cantonese Speech (1963); A Criticism on "Shi Yuen” (1963); An Outline about the Language spoken by the Chinese in Hong Kong (1964) ; An Argument about the Cantonese Pronunciation of the word “ 戞 “ in the “Da Li-ji Shu” written by Han Yu (1964); and A Tentative Table showing the Comparison between Cantonese and Kuang- Yun (Final Section) (1965). Mr. Wong Fai-Ming, Chung Chi College, Sociology. Mr . Wong was formerly educated in Kwangtung . He came to Hong Kong and studied at Chung Chi 7
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