Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 5 Dec 1971
Mr. Tseng has held two one-man exhibitions, one in 1955 in London's Arthur Jeffress Gallery, one in 1959 in Paris's Gallery Benezit. He also joined in a group exhibition in Rome in 1965. After completing his studies at L'Ecole des Beaux Arts in 1960 he moved to Rome where he worked for a news agency as a correspondent for ten years. While staying in Italy, he frequently visited Florence, Venice and other cultural centres and drank deep at the fountains of Italian Renaissance and Baroque art. Mr. Liu Kuo-sung Mr. Liu Kuo-sung, born in Shantung, China, graduated with a B.A. degree in Fine Arts from National Taiwan Normal University in 1956. He spent four months at Iowa University in 1966 , taking up advanced studies in the Department of Art. The same year he was awarded the John D. Rockefeller Third Fund to have a two-year world tour, visiting universities, art schools and museums, galleries and private collections. A teacher of art since 1956, Mr. Liu has been Professor of Art in the Department of Architecture of The Chung-yuan College , Taiwan , since 1970. He was Guest Artist at Stout State University, Wisconsin, in the spring semester of 1971. Mr. Liu has held a number of group exhibitions and more than thirty one-man exhibitions in various cities, including Taipei, New York, Kansas, Dallas, Frankfurt and London. Many of his works have been collected by a number of major museums and art galleries in Taiwan, United States and Germany. Honoured with many awards, Mr. Liu is also the recipient of the Jurors' Award of Distinction in Mainstreams 1968 and the Award for Painting in Mainstreams 1969 of the United States. Future Prospects With the scheduled removal of New Asia College to the new campus site where the students can make use of the Art Gallery and its archive and the strengthening of the teaching staff , the curriculum will have every reason to be restructured for all-round training and in-depth study of particular areas. The arrival of the two Visiting Professors will undoubtedly enhance the development o f the Department of Fine Arts into one of the finest of its kind in this part of the world. (pictures in Chinese section) SYMPOSIUM ON CHANGES IN HONG KONG SINCE THE 1950’S A symposium on "Changes in Hong Kong since the 1950's", sponsored by the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science of United College, was held on 12th November, 1971 at the College Hall. The Symposium was one of the programmes to celebrate the College's 15th Anniversary. An opening statement was given by Dr. S.C. Yang, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science of the College. After the opening, a series of sessions were held and eminent leaders of the community were invited to speak on the following topics: 1. Changes in the Population since the 1950's Speaker: Mr. K.W.J. Topley Commissioner for Census and Statistics Census and Statistics Department 2. The Progress of the Tourist Industry in Hong Kong since the 1950’s Speaker: Mr. Louis Tong Research Manager Hong Kong Tourist Association 3. Development of Social Welfare in Hong Kong: Its Past, Present and Projection Speaker: Mr. Thomas C.Y. Lee Deputy Director Social Welfare Department 4. Factors Accounting for Hong Kong's Economic Development since the 1950's Speaker: Mr. D.J.C. Jones Deputy Economic Secretary Colonial Secretariat 5. Changes in Banking in Hong Kong in the Last 15 Years Speaker: The Hon. Q.W. Lee Director and General Manager Hang Seng Bank Ltd. 6. The Changing Structure of Government since the 1950's Speaker: The Hon. D.C. Bray District Commissioner New Territories Administration More than 150 people attended each of the sessions. - 5 -
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