Bulletin Spring 1988

outstanding medical students. (8) From Associated Medical Supplies Company a donation of HK$5,000 in support of a research by the Department of Chemical Pathology. (9) From Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre a further donation of HK$70 , 000 in support of a research project by the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies. (10) From Dr. David T. Cheng a donation of US$10,000 in support of Professor Cheng Tsu- yu's research work at the Institute of Chinese Studies in 1988. (11) From Farmitalia Carlo Erba (HK) Ltd.: (a) HK$8 , 000 in support of a research project by Dr. Kelvin Chan and Dr. Lau Ching Ching of the Department of Pharmacology and Dr. Wesely C.T. Shiu of the Department of Clinical Oncology; (b) HK$13,000 for the purchase of equipment for the Department of Medicine; and (c) HK$ 15,000 in support of a research project undertaken by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (12) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd.: (a) HK$75,000 in support of a research by Dr. Joseph W.C. Leung of the Department of Medicine; (b) HK$ 12,270 to sponsor a member of the Department of Surgery to attend a meeting in London in August 1987; and (c) HK$9,600 to sponsor a member of the Department of Paediatrics to attend a world congress held in Barcelona, Spain in October 1987. (13) From Mr. Huang Jian-hua a donation of HK$ 150,000 in support of a research by the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies. (14) From Abbott Laboratories Ltd. a donation of HK$2,000 in support of a research project undertaken by the Department of Paediatrics. (15) From the following donors contributions to sponsor a scientific symposium organized by the Department of Medicine and for the establishment of John Vallance-Owen Research Fund: (a) HK$5,000 from Astra Pharmaceuticals Sweden; (b) HK$10 , 000 from Fandasy Company Ltd.; (c) HK$10 , 000 from Farmitalia Carlo Erba (HK) Ltd.; (d) HK$10,000 from Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd. ; (e) HK$ 10,000 from Great Eastern Trading Co. (Travenol); (f) HK$3 , 000 from ICI (China) Ltd.; (g) HK$2,000 from Janssen Pharmaceutica; (h) HK$ 10,000 from Merck Sharp & Dohme (Asia) Ltd.; (i) HK$ 10,000 from Novo Industrial A/S, Denmark; (j) HK$ 10,000 from Sender Far East Ltd.; (k) HK$10,000 from Smith, Kline & French Laboratories; and (1) HK$10 , 000 from Squibb (Far East) Ltd. (16) From The Croucher Foundation a further donation of HK$23,750 in support of a research project undertaken by the Department of Morbid Anatomy. (17) From the Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies a donation of HK$50,000 in support of a research project undertaken by the Department of Community Medicine. (18) From the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions a donation of HK$160,000 in support of a research project jointly undertaken by the Department of Community Medicine with the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions and the Labour Department. (19) From Industry Department of Hong Kong Government a grant of HK$ 1,500,000 in support of a research project jointly undertaken by the Department of Computer Science with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Hong Kong. (20) From Mr. C.Y. Lee: (a) HK$ 10,000 to the Department of Anaesthesia; and (b) HK$30 , 000 to the Department of Surgery. (21) From Mr. E.T. O'Connell a donation of HK$7 , 000 to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (22) From Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Ltd.: (a) HK$69,120 in support of a research project undertaken by the Department of Chemical Pathology; and (b) HK$ 15,466 to sponsor a member of the Department of Medicine to attend an international congress held in Washington, DC, USA in November 1987. (23) From World Health Foundation (HK) Ltd. a further donation of HK$ 15,000 in support of a research project undertaken by the Department of Biochemistry. (24) From Bayer China Co., Ltd. a donation of 23