Bulletin Spring 1988
of the Shantou SEZ Administrative Committee. (3) ‘Investment environment and foreign investment of the Shenzhen SEZ' by Professor Ji Chong- wei, Standing Committee Member of the Centre for Technological and Economic Development Studies of the State Council. (4) 'Economic, technological and educational cooperations between the Xiamen SEZ and Hong Kong' by Mr. Mao Di-sheng, Deputy Mayor of the Xiamen City Government. (5) ‘Review and prospect of the economic cooperation between Shantou and Hong Kong' by Mr. Lin Qi-dong, Deputy Secretary of the Shantou SEZ Administrative Committee. (6) 'Economic relations between Shenzhen and Hong Kong' by Professor Ji Chong-wei, Standing Committee Member of the Centre for Technological and Economic Development Studies of the State Council. These sessions were chaired by Dr. H.C. Kuan, Dr. K.S. Liao, and Dr. Vynnis P.Y. Wong. The second seminar was on The economic relations between the Pearl River Delta, the SEZs, and Hong Kong'. Over 150 participants attended this one-day seminar, taking part in six sessions of the speakers' presentation and two sessions of floor discussions. Papers presented were as follows: (1) ‘Industrial development of the Shenzhen SEZ and the economic relations between the SEZ and Hong Kong' by Mr. Zhu Yue-nin, Deputy Mayor of the Shenzhen Government. (2) 'Investment environment and foreign investment in the Zhuhai SEZ' by Mr. Liang Guang-da, Mayor of the Zhuhai Government, and was read by Mr. Chen Huan-li, Deputy Mayor of the Zhuhai Government. (3) 'Foreign trade in the Pearl River Delta and the trade relations between the Delta and Hong Kong' by Mr. Fu Da-bang, Deputy Director of Guangdong Institute of Foreign Economic Relation s and Trade Development. (4) 'Economic development in the Pearl River Delta and the economic relations between the Delta and Hong Kong' by Mr. Ding Li-song, Deputy Secretary General of the Guangdong Government. (5) The development and future of the Shenzhen Science and Industry Park' by Mr. Zhang Yi-yi , General Manager of the Shenzhen Science and Industry Park Company limited. (6) The future of the Shekou Industrial Zone' by Mr. Chen Jin-xing, Managing Director and Deputy General Manager of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Company limited. The seminar was opened by Dr. H.C. Kuan, and chairmen of the various sessions included Dr. K. S. Liao, Professor T.B. L i n , Professor K.C. Mun, Professor Rance P.L. Lee, Dr. Vynnis P.Y. Wong, and Professor Y.M. Yeung. In the two seminars, the speakers analysed, from recent development of investment environment and trends of foreign investments, the achievements and existing problems of China's four SEZs established eight years ago, and discussed the present and future of economic relations between the SEZ s and Hong Kong. Updated economic development of the Pearl River Delta and prospects of the economic future between the Delta and Hong Kong were also discussed. Both the speakers and floor discussants agreed that the economic relations between China and Hong Kong should be the relations of mutual- complement and mutual-advancement, and proximity to Hong Kong was recognized as the greatest advantage of the four SEZs (specially for the Shenzhen and Zhuhai SEZs) and cities and counties of the Pearl River Delta. They further protracted that the economic booming of these areas would depend upon the continuous prosperity of Hong Kong's economy, and that Hong Kong products at present were still competitive in the world markets was partly due to shifting of production process of Hong Kong manufacture into China. The discussion therefore concluded that the economic cooperation between China and Hong Kong would be manifold and the prospect optimistic. The two seminars were sponsored by the Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centr e and organized by Dr. Vynnis P.Y. Wong, Honorary Research Fellow of the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies of the University. Proceedings of the seminars will be published in due course. -Vynnis P.Y. Wong 8
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