Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 6 Mar 1969
PROMOTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS Academic Staff Promotion M r . Ho Pung, Associate Lecturer in Chinese, Chung Chi College, has been promoted Lecturer. Appointments Mr. Sokichi Kimura — Visiting Lecturer in Japanese Studies (Chung Ch i) Mr. Haruo Oka—Visiting Lecturer in Japanese Studies (Chun g Ch i) Dr. Judith Ann Pauley—Part-time Lecturer in Chemistry (United ) Mr . Thomas Tak-cheung Choy — Assistant Lecturer i n Electronics (United) Administrative Staff Promotion Mr . S.H. So, Administrative Assistant (Examinations), has been promoted University Assistant Registrar (Academic). Appointments Mr . William H.C. Wan—University Assistant Registrar (Student Affairs) and Manager of Benjamin Franklin Centre Activities Mr. Foo Tak-Sun ——Assistant Registrar (Chung Ch i) REMOVAL OF CENTRAL OFFICE TO SHATIN CAMPUS The Central Office of the University moved to the University campus in Shatin on 10th March, 1969. The Benjamin Franklin Centre is being temporarily used for this purpose until the Administration Building is completed in 1970. A commemorative photograph of the Administrative and Academic-Planning Committee ( A A P C ) and staff in attendance was taken on 4th March, at the last meeting held in the Vice-Chancellor's Office in Kowloon at the end of a long series of meetings starting in early 1964. (picture in Chinese section) I n August the Graduate School and the University Library will also move to Shatin. The University has ordered a Siemens ESK 3000 E private automatic branch exchange for the university complex at Shatin. It has an initial capacity of 35 exchange lines and 400 extensions but is capable of further unlimited expansion. This exchange will provide all telephone communications within the campus and w i ll serve the purpose of integrating the University as a close-knitted whole by the time the campus buildings are all completed. — 5 —
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