Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 8 Mar 1966
ADM IN IS TRA T IVE STAFF D r . K i n g Hung Hwang, Assistant Registrar, Central Office. D r. K in g H u n g Hw ang, whose tra in in g has been tha t o f a lawyer and his experience covers a w ide field o f in te rn a tio n a l p u b lic ity and p u b lic relations, succeeds M r. Steve S.C. Huang as Assistant Registrar o f the U n iv e rs ity . D r. Hw ang is o f Cantonese extraction b u t was born in Malaya in 1919. A fte r his education in M alaya and later in China, D r. Hw ang went to E ngland to stud y law in 1945 w ith a B ritis h C ouncil scholarship. In 1948 he was conferred the degree o f D o c to r o f Philosophy by the U n iv e rs ity o f Cambridge. L a te r he taught In te rn a tio n a l L a w in the Post-G raduate School o f Chengchi U n iv e rs ity in T a ip e i. He had been fo r many years press officer in various capacities in Bangkok, M a n ila and Bonn, before he returned to H o n g K o n g early th is year from Lo nd on , where he was called to the Bar in 1965. On M a rc h 31, 1966, the V ice -C hance llo r gave a tea pa rty in the Central O ffice to introdu ce D r. Hw ang to members o f the press and his colleagues in charge o f p u b lic relations in the Colleges. M r . Steve S.C. Huang, M r , H . T . Wu, D r . Choh -Mi ng L i , D r , K i n g Hung H w ang. M r . Chill Wan Long, Accountant, United College. M r. C h iu W an L o n g was born in Sun W u i, K w a n g tung, China. He was a graduate o f W en H ua U n i ve rsity in Canton, China. F o r many years M r. C h iu taught accounting courses and served as accountant and statistician in many firm s and organizations in China. He came to H ong K o n g in 1949. F rom 1949 to 1956, he taught in Ping Jin g College o f A ccountancy, H o ng K ong. He jo ine d U n ite d College as A ccountan t in 1956. H is publications in Chinese include Commercial Accounting firs t published in 1947 and rep rin te d in 1949 by the C omm ercial Press, Shanghai, Public Service Accounting in 1953 and Outlines o f Corporation Accounting in 1955. Miss L u n N g a i Ha , United College, Dean o f Women. M iss L u n received her secondary education at Sacred H eart Canossian College. She entered the U n iv e rs ity o f H o ng K o n g in 1955, where she received her B .A . (H ons.) degree in 1958. In 1959, she was awarded a scholarship to take up a d iplom a course in education. U p o n graduation, she was in vite d to teach at her old school, Sacred H eart Canossian College. M iss L u n jo in e d U n ite d College in F ebruary 1963, serving as tu to r in the D e pa rtm ent o f H isto ry. In the same year she was appointed to serve con curre ntly as Dean o f W omen. F rom 1963 to 64 , she was the College representative to the H o ng K o n g Post-Second ary Colleges A th le tic Association and Secretary to the Executive C omm ittee o f the Association. 5
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