Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 4 Dec 1968
• At the invitation of the Chinese Literature Department of New Asia College Mr. Chan Shing- cheong, a New Asia graduate who is now studying at the Graduate School of the University, gave a talk on “ A New Understanding of the Characters used in Ancient Chinese Books". • The Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research of New Asia College held joint Seminars for its Assistant Fellows and Research Trainees on 19th November and 4th December. A t the November Seminar Mr. Fok Tou-hui, Assistant Fellow, reported on “ The Spirit in the Founding of the Emptiness and Non-Emptiness Sects in Mahayana— as viewed from the Contention about the Truthfulness of the ‘Two Measurements' of the Chang Chen Theory ” , while Mr. Chen Hing-sun, Research Trainee, read a paper entitled “ The General School of the Spring and Autumn Annals as held by T 'an Chu, Chao K'uang and Lu Shun — A Preliminary Description". At the December Seminar Miss Yuko Matsuda, Assistant Fellow, reported on “ The Changes in the Chinese Community in Thailand", while Miss Tong Shui- man, Research Trainee, read her paper on "A Preliminary Study of the Eastern and Southern Highways in the Wei and Chin Dynasties". • On 6th December New Asia College held its 109th Monthly Meeting, at which Dr. C.K. Yang, Professor of Sociology, gave a talk on “ What Chinese Culture Contributes to America and European Countries’’. • Mr. Ng Wing Hei, Senior Technician in Electronics at Chung Chi College, has been awarded a technician training scholarship by the Inter- University Council for Higher Education Overseas to study in England for six months from 1st January to 30th June, 1969. • Dr. C.H. Yong Chao, Associate Lecturer in Mathematics at Chung Chi College, has been promoted Lecturer with effect from 2nd September, 1968. • Mr. Simon P.J. Ellis, Associate Lecturer in English at Chung Chi College, has been admitted to the degree of Master of Arts by the University of Oxford. • Mr. Kalervo Tuukkanen, Lecturer in Music at Chung Chi College, returned to the College with Mrs. Tuukkanen after six months of home leave. • The United College medical service com menced operation at its new Clinic close to the College on 21st November, subsequent to the appointment of Dr. Frederick Abesser as a Part-time University Medical Officer assigned to the College. • Mr. Siu Yuk Cheung, third-year student in Mathematics; Mr. Wong Hin Wah, third-year student in Sociology; and Mr. Lo Foo Cheung, third-year student in Geography, have been elected President and Vice-Presidents respectively of the Chung Chi Student Union Executive Council. The Election Committee of the Student Union of New Asia College announced on 6th December that Mr. Chan Chun-ming and Miss Fung Yin-chun have been elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman of its Council respectively. The Un i v e r s i t y Bul l et i n o f T he Chinese U n iv e rs ity o f H o n g K o n g is pu b lish e d and d is trib u te d fre e b y th e U n iv e rs ity B u lle tin E d ito ria l B o a rd among the U n iv e rs ity fa c u lty and sta ff. Copies are also sent to frie n d s o f th e U n iv e rs ity . M e mb e r s o f t h e U n iv e r s it y B u l l e t in E d it o r ia l B o a r d : M rs . E liz a b e th W . K o (C onvenor) M r. John T . S. Chen D r. A . T. Roy M r. N . H . Y oung B u l l e t in S t a f f : E d ito r — M rs . E liz a b e th W . K o A ssociate E d ito r — M r. James C, Y u a n C o l l e g e C o r r e s p o n d e n t s : M r. Fang- H s in H ou (Chung. C h i College) M r. P. C. Y a o (U n ite d C ollege) M r. W e i Y u-chen (N e w A s ia College) A d d r e s s : c /o The Chinese U n iv e rs ity o f H o n g K ong, Hang- Seng B a n k B u ild in g , 677, N a th a n Road, K ow loon, Hong K ong. — 9 —
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