Bulletin Number Two 1984
technology; Resources economics and environmental policy; Operational research and environmental modelling. Elective courses may include the main streams o f Ecological management studies (Ecosystem structure and function, Ecosystem management), Pollution studies (A ir pollution, Water pollution, Solid waste disposal, Noise, vibration and transport, Toxic hazards) and Environmental Engineering (Engineering hydrology, Environmental impact assessment) etc. These courses should be at the postgraduate level and may perhaps be offered jo in tly by different departments concerned (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Community Medicine and Geography etc.). K . L iu : The basic way to solve pollution problems is to prevent the production o f pollutants. In order to get to the root o f the problem, it would be necessary for us to have more detail information provided by en vironmental chemists, biologists and physicists and to have environmental engineers prevent the production o f pollutants. The programme on environmental studies should be geared to these ends. P. Chen: It would be beneficial to the public at large and to the workers in the enterprises if local universities could offer specialized programmes on environmental science to meet local needs for more specialized personnel. It is also important for those in charge o f the enterprises to have the knowledge and know-how to manage the problems o f pollution in work sites and to protect the workers. For this purpose, the General Business Management and Personnel Manage ment Department o f this University now offers a course in Industrial Health and Safety. The course concentrates on the study o f industrial health and safety in a managerial approach. The contents o f the course also include the study o f management measures in pollution control. K .Y . Chan: It is necessary for the universities in Hong Kong to offer programmes in environmental studies such as waste recycling, environmental planning, and biogas and single cell protein production from wastes, etc. at the upper undergraduate and postgraduate levels. S.T. Chang: In fact, a special course named 'Biological treat ment o f waste materials' could be offered by the Biology Department o f this University. M .H . Wong: A broadly based centre for environmental studies and documentation could be set up at our University for the purpose o f teaching, research and perhaps the provision o f advisory services o f direct relevance to local needs. Teaching — A multidisciplinary postgraduate programme in environmental studies catering for the local needs could be established so that graduates may be able to find employment in a wide range o f posts. The programme should consist o f three parts: coursework and training in techniques related to environmental issues; a research project on a chosen aspect o f environmental problems; and an attachment to various industries and government departments. The existing environment-oriented courses offered by various departments o f the University could be modified and made use of. In addition, new courses could also be offered, e.g. Environmental Engineering, Ecological Principles for Engineers, Techniques and Methods in Ecological Studies, Occupational Health and Hygiene, etc. Research and environmental consultancy 一 Interdepartmental cooperation through jo in t projects w ill be encouraged, possibly leading to the establish ment o f a jo in t consultancy unit offering services related to various environmental issues, e.g. ecological survey, monitoring o f pollution and advice on treat ment, environmental impact assessment, analysis o f biological, chemical and mineral samples, revegetation o f d ifficu lt landscapes, problems related to industrial health and safety, waste recycling, etc. Training courses concerning these topics could also be organized for employees o f different disciplines, as well as school teachers. Research bulletins and advisory publications could be produced to meet the needs o f individual clients, which may include a wide range o f organizations, various government departments, private industries, and a variety o f other bodies. The unit could be self-supporting, obtaining its funds by provision o f consultancy service and by research carried out under contract.
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