Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 5 Dec 1966
London, doing research in Sir Christopher K. Ingold's Laboratory on the Gustav Bissing Fellowship of Johns Hopkins University and also with the support of the National Science Foundation. Professor Fu has been doing research since his u n dergraduate days, later combined with teaching after his first degree. He was in an investigation team working on enzymic resolution of amino acids and specificity of proteolytic enzymes while he was in Washington, D.C. He worked on the hydrolytic action of chymotrypsin while in London. Before he joined the Chinese University here, he was Chief of the Enzyme and Bioorganic Chemistry Laboratory, Children's Cancer Research Foundation and Research Associate, Children's Hospital Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston. This Boston group of research workers, under the direction of Professor Sidney Farber, is particularly known for their contributions on leukemic cells, and folic acid (a vitamin) and its antagonists. Professor Fu 's interests and contributions are largely in line with his training and work, i.e., chemistry and biochemistry of peptides, proteins, enzymes and of neoplastic cells, which are also his present teaching and research topics. Professor Fu is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ; the American Chemistry Society , the American Society of Biological Chemists, the American Association of Cancer Research, the Biophysical Society and the New York Academy of Sciences. He is also a member of the Honorary Society of Sigma Xi. His recent publications can be found in the Journal of Organic Chemistry, the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, etc. Professor J . Kenneth Morland, Visiting Professor o f Sociology Professor Morland was born in Huntsville, Alabama. After he graduated cum laude from the Yale University Divinity School in 1943 , he went to China and taught English at Yali School, Changsha, Hunan. Returning to America in 1946, Professor Morland successively held a number of positions including those of Executive Secretary with Yale-in-China Association, New Haven, Connecticutt ; Research Assistant, Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina; and Assistant Professor in Sociology and Anthropology’ College of William and Mary. In 1950, Professor Morland received his Ph.D . degree from the University of North Carolina. At present, he is Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthopology, Randolph-Macon Women's College, which he joined in 1953. Professor Morland has been Visiting Professor to many American universities and is now Visiting Pro fessor of the Chinese University as a Fulbright Scholar. Besides teaching, Professor Morland has worked as Consultant to various services and Councils. He is, at present, Consultant to the U.S. Office of Education in its Equal Opportunities Program. He is a member of the American Association of University Professors, and its Committee on Membership. Among Professor Morland's many publication, the more recent ones are : "A Comparison of Race Aware ness in Northern and Southern Children" in American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, X X X I {1966), and “ Race Relations Activities of Sociologists" in Sociology in Action. 7
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