Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 5 Dec 1966
CAR BADGE FOR THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY At the recommendation of the United College S tudent U n io n , the Distinctive Marks and Ceremonial Dress Committee of the University has approved the use of a University Car Badge of the size of 3 3/4" X1 1 showing both the crest and the motto of the University . UNIVERSITY STATION T h e Kowloon-Canton Railway announced that the M a Liu Shui Station near the campus site of T h e Chinese University will be renamed ''University Station” as from January 1 , 1967. As has been reported in the last issue of this Bulletin, the name “M a Liu S hui” has been dropped from the addresses of the University campus site, the Inter- University Hall and Chung Chi College. COMINGS AND GOINGS △ At the invitation of the Japanese Government, D r. C .T . Yung, President of Chung Chi College, left for Tokyo on December 3 to discuss the University's Japanese studies programme with personnel of the Japanese Ministries of Education and Foreign Affairs and the Keio University authorities. Dr. Yung returned to Hong Kong on December 11. △ Professor Max Beloff, Gladstone Professor of Government and Public Administration and Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, arrived in Hong Kong with his wife on December 23 on a lecture tour under the auspices of the British Council. Professor Beloff will give his first public lecture on December 30’ at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall Theatre, on “ Current Pro blems in British Parliamentary Government" . T h e lecture will be sponsored by T h e Chinese University. △ Dr. Anthony M. Tang, Professor of Economics, left for San Francisco on December 26 to attend the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Associa tion and Allied Societies. He is expected to return before the end of December. Professor T ang is also expected at the Conference on Economics in South East Asia sponsored by the University of Wisconsin and the Agency for International Development of the U.S. State Department, which will take place in Bang kok from January 10 to 14 , 1967. Professor T an g will make another trip to the United States to attend the Conference on Communist China's Political and Economic System in Chicago from January 30 to February 4 , 1967. From July 3 to July 7 , P ro fessor T a n g will take part in a symposium on "Agri culture and Economic Development", where the dis cussion will be based on Japan's experience. Th e symposium, co-sponsored by Hitotsubashi University and the Institute of Agricultural Research, Government of Ja p an , will be held in Tokyo. A 5 senior students of the Journalism Department at New Asia College left for a study trip to Taiwan on December 23, under the leadership of their lecturer Dr. Michael T .K . Wei. T h e tour, sponsored by the Asia Foundation Offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan, will last about 10 days. T h e students will visit a number of universities, colleges, and leading newspapers in Taiwan. T hey will then make a general camparative study of the communication systems and journalistic education in Taiwan and Hong Kong. T h e students are expected to be back on January 3’ 1967. △ Miss A. Nicol Smith, Head of English Depart ment of Malayan Teachers' College at Penang, visited Chung Chi College on December 10. △ About 40 delegates attending the Conference on "English as a University Subject" toured the Chung Chi campus on December 14. T h ey were from uni versities in Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and the United Kingdom. △ Mr. Peter L .H . Baker of the College of Architec ture and Advanced Building of the Polytechnic in London and Mr. Anore Baker of the College of St. Mat thias , Bristol, visited Chung Chi on December, 1967. △ Dr. S.S. H su eh , Reader in Public Administra tion at United College, left for Teheran on December 3 to attend the Asian Conference on Administration of Social Development, which was to be held from December 4 to December 14 , 1966. T h e Conference was jointly sponsored by the Imperial Government of Iran and the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration to discuss the role of Public Administra tion in the planning and implementation of social development programmes in developing countries. Dr. Hsueh returned on December 15. △ Mr. S.L. Wong, Chairman of the Department of Sociology & Social Work, Chung Chi College, attended the 17th lU F O Conference in New Delhi on December 1-17 , 1966. T h e Conference explored the possibilities of cross- national research on family disorganization. Mr. Wong presented a paper on "Re-evaluation of Family as an Agency of Socialization". He returned on Decem ber 17. COLLEGE REPORTS △ Dr. C .T . Yung, President of Chung Chi College, was conferred the Insignia of an Officer of the Most Excellent O rder of British Empire by His Excellency the Governor on December 14’ at the Government House. △ On December 16, the New Science Laboratories of United College were declared open in a brief cere mony by the Hon. Fung Ping-fan, C.B.E ., K .S t.J . , J .P., Chairman of the College Board of Trustees. Some 200 people attended the Ceremony. 5
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