Bulletin Winter 1999

Important Scientific Discovery by CUHK Alumnus A team of medical scientists headed by Dr. Tsui Lap Chee at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto have successfully identified and cloned the gene defect that causes cystic fibrosis — a common genetic disorder o f Caucasians. Cystic fibrosis causes considerable damages to the respiratory and digestive systems. Few patients can live over the age of 30. To date, there is no cure for the disease except limite d life prolongation through the administration of antibiotics. Dr. Tsui's discovery has opened up new hopes of combating the disease. Dr. Tsui at a press conference at CUHK Dr. Tsui graduated from CUHK i n 1972 and obtained his master degree in 1974 under the supervision of Dr. K.K. Ma k of the Biology Department. He then obtained his PhD i n the States and is now associate professor of the Department of Medical Genetics, University of Toronto. Dr. Tsui visited CUHK in November at the invitation of the University and gave a public lecture on 22nd November. Colleges Celebrated Founde r s ' Days The United and Chung Chi colleges celebrated their founders' days in October 1989 , after the series of 40th anniversary activities of New Asia College that had started in September. Un i t ed College held its 33rd anniversary celebration ceremony on 20th October. Dr. Ho Tim, vice-chairman of the college board of trustees, and Mr. H.C. Cheung, chairman of the college alumni association, addressed the assembly and presented college prizes to outstanding students. Other programmes for the day included the presentation o f a sculpture by the alumni association and a lion's dance. Chung Chi College held its 38th founders' day thanksgiving service on 27th October. The Rt. Revd. Peter Kwong, Bishop of Hong Kong and Macao, addressed the assembly. Scholarship awards for the year were presented to students by Mr. James Z.M . Kung, chairman of the college board of trustees. Celebrations included the traditional 'thousand- people-feast' and other academic and recreational activities as well as an Alumni Day. Obituary The University records with regret the passing away of Dr. David S. Yen, the University Librarian since 1986, on 20th October, 1989 at the Prince of Wales Hospital, at the age of 53. During his service at the University, Dr. Yen played an important role in the further improvement of the Un i ve r s i t y ' s library system as well as planned for its development. He was also very active i n promoting exchanges between libraries of academic institutions in Hong Kong and mainland China and rendered invaluable contributions to the development of library science in both places. 13