Bulletin Winter 1988

— ‘Disorders o f Function due to Myocardial Ischaemia: Myocardial Stunning and Postsystolic Shortening', on 29th November. * The Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies o f the University and the Goethe Institute (Hong Kong) jo in tly organized a seminar entitled ‘Increased Longevity: History and Future Dimensions' on 19th November. The half-day seminar discussed the Western experience in dealing w ith various aging problems due to increased longevity. The Chinese experience was discussed in historical and medical perspectives. Aging problems in China created partially by the birth con tro l policy were also explored. Invited speakers at the seminar included Pro fessor Arthur Imhof from the Free University o f Berlin in West Germany; Professor Lu Weishan and Professor Zeng Erkang from the Tongji Medical University o f Wuhan; Mr. Zhang Yaqun, deputy commissioner o f the National Commission o f Aging, China; and Mr. Xiao Zhenyu from the Research Centre o f Aging, China. * The Music Department presented the following lecture-demonstrations and recital: — Professor Ouyang Zhongshi o f Beijing Normal University gave two lecture- demonstrations on 23rd and 26th Novem­ ber respectively on 'Voice Production in Peking Operatic Singing' and ‘The A rt o f Male-Role Acting in Peking Opera'. — Mr. Wolfgang Condin, awell-known guitarist, gave a recital on 24th November. * A symposium on 'The Role o f Psychiatrists in Medical Education' took place at the Cho Yiu Con ference Hall on 9th December as part o f the pro gramme to commemorate the 25th anniversary o f the University. Jointly organized by the Shaw College and the Department o f Psychiatry, the symposium was at tended by prominent academics in the field o f medical education in Australia, Canada, Japan, USA and Hong Kong. * The Departments o f Biochemistry and Biology jo in tly presented two public lectures by Professor Edmund C.C. Lin, professor o f microbiology and molecular genetics, Harvard Medical School. The topics o f the lectures are: — 'Global Regulation o f Aerobic Pathways, Escherichia Coli: the ARC Modulon' , on 13th December; and — 'Biotechnology: Its Close Interactions w ith Basic Research', on 19th December. Dish with famille rose bats and peaches, Qing, Yongzheng (Collection o f A r t Gallery) 19