Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 1 Sep–Oct 1972
• Mr. S.T. Wong, Bursar of United College, left for the United Kingdom on 24th September, on an Inter- University Council Visitorship Award. He will be spending two and a half months visiting major universities in the United Kingdom. • Dr. Yuen Ting-cheuk, Lecturer in Chinese, United College, left for Taiwan in September to translate into Pai Hua style the "Lun Heng", at the invitation of the National Compilation Committee of Taiwan. • Visitors to New Asia College in the mont h of September included: Mr. Porter McCray, Director of John D. Rockefeller Third Fund; and Prof. Hibino Takeo of Kyoto University and Prof. Nakamura Takashi of Tan Li University. • Other visitors to the University included: Dr. Albert Czech, Professor of Philosophy, and Rev . Paulino Hsueh, Registrar, Fu Jen University; Dr . Rogelio Diaz- Guerrero, well-known Psychologist from Mexico City; Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman, President of the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, University of Texas, and Mrs. Holtzman. COLLEGE NEWS • Chung Chi College announces changes in membership of its Board of Governors as follows: Dr. Andrew Hsiao in place of the Rev. Liu Yee The Rev. Lincoln Leung in place of the Rev. Leo L. Hsu Mr. S.T. Wang in place of the Rev. Walter de Velder • The Board of Trustees of United College has elected Mr. Run Run Shaw to serve as its Vice-Chairman. The office was formerly held by the Hon. Wilson T.S. Wang who had resigned following his election by the Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council to serve on the Council of the University. • New Asia College celebrated its 23rd Anniversary on 28th and 29th September. A talk on "The Spirit of Confucius' Teaching" was given on 28th September by Mr. Pan Chung-kwei, Dean of the Faculty of Arts o f the College. On 29th September, Prof. Mou Jun-sun, Professor of History, talked on "The Main Spirit of Chinese Traditional Learning". Other activities for the occasion included staff/student contests in ball games and dinner for staff, students and alumni. • The Section of Japanese Studies of the Chinese and Oriental Languages and Literature Department of Chung Chi College has become an independent department starting this academic year. Prof. Ryo Taira serves as the Chairman of the Department and Mr. H. Kani, the Deputy Chairman. A new Section of Psychology attached to the Department of Sociology has been established beginning from this academic year. It starts as a service course and wil l gradually develop minor and major programmes. • Deans of Faculties and Heads of Departments at United College for the 1972-73 academic year are as follows: Mr. Wang Teh Chao, Dean, Faculty of Arts Dr. S.C. Yang, Dean, Faculty of Commerce & Social Science Dr. S.T. Tsou, Dean, Faculty of Science Mr. Li Hui Ying, Head, Department o f Chinese Language & Literature Mr. J.B. Gannon, Head, Department of English Language & Literature Mr. Lau Wai Man, Head, Department of History Mr. Georg Neumann, Head, Department of German Studies Mr. Chang Chien Min, Head, Department of Business Administration Miss Nan Sun, Deputy Head, Department of Business Administration Dr. Hsueh Tien Tung, Head, Department of Economics Mrs. Fong Lee Mo Kwan, Head, Department of Geography Mr. Andrew W.F. Wong, Head, Department of Government and Public Administration Sr. Joan F. Delaney, Head, Department of Sociology Mr. Ho Kam Fai, Head, Department of Social Work Dr. Ma Lin, Head, Department of Biochemistry Dr. Hui Kwan Yu, Head, Department of Chemistry Dr. Charles Kao, Head, Departmen t of Electronics Dr. S.T. Tsou, Head, Department of Mathematics Dr. F.C. Chen, Head, Department of Physics. • On 2nd August New Asia College announced that the following staff members were appointed to serve in their new capacity as listed below: Dr. Thomas C.W. Mak, Dean of the Faculty of Science Mr. Lee Jun-chung, Dean o f the Faculty of Commerce & Social Science Mr. Lee Yim, Head of the Department of Chinese Literature Dr. Phillip S.Y. Sun, Head of the Department of Translation Dr. Adine Wang Wou, Head of the Department of French Studies —7—
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