Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1994
to his alma mater i n B e i j i n g, where he taught English for three years. The t h i r st f or more knowledge drove h i m to go overseas again i n 1986. Th is time he went to Tufts Un i ve r s i ty in Boston and obtained an M A degree in Educational Psychology in 1987. He then specialized in counselling psycholog y at Harvard Graduate School o f Education, and was awarded an Ed.D. degree in Human Development and Psychology in June 1993. Dr. Yue j o i ned the Faculty o f Educa t i on o f The Chinese Un i ve r s i ty last August and has been teaching psychology courses since. Dr. Yue's academic interests cover Chinese p s y c ho l ogy an d the deve l opment o f psychological and career counselling services in Hong Kong. He is currently conducting a survey on o c c u p a t i o n a l stress among s chool counsellors in Hong Kong. Dr. Yue is married, w i th a four-year-old daughter. He loves reading, t r ave l l i ng and playing table-tennis. Dr. Xun yu Zhou Lecturer, Department of Systems Engineering Dr. Xun yu Zhou wa s b o r n i n J i angsu P r o v i n c e, Ch i na i n 1965. He was admitted to the Ma t hema t i cs Department o f Fudan University at the age o f fifteen and obtained his B.Sc . degree i n 1984. He then enrolled in the master's programmes of the Institute o f Ma t h ema t i cs i n Fudan, s p e c i a l i z i ng i n operations research and control theory, and was advanced to Ph.D. candidature in 1986 without be i ng r e q u i r e d to c omp l e te his master p r o g r amme o r to take any q u a l i f y i ng examinations. During 1987—88, he visited Keio University in Japan on a fellowship as a j o i nt doctoral student. He received his Ph.D. (cum laude) in July 1989, and his doctoral thesis was highly commended by the thesis committee. From 1989 to 1991 Dr. Zhou visited Kobe University as a postdoctoral fellow through the sponsorship o f the Japanese Government. He spent the f o l l ow i ng t wo years v i s i t i ng the Faculty o f Management at the University o f Toronto w i th support from The Manufacturing Research Co r po r a t i on o f Ontario. He was awa r ded the p r e s t i g i o us A l e x a n d er v o n Humboldt Fellowship o f Germany in 1991. He joined the Department o f Systems Engineering o f CUHK in August 1993. Dr. Zhou's major research areas include op t i mal con t r o l, operations managemen t, operations research, and applied probability. He has published over 20 papers in journals o f such international standing as IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, and SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. He has participated in many international conferences and workshops and presented numerous papers. He has also served as referee f or various journals. He is a member o f the Society for Industrial and App l i ed Mathematics, and his biography is included in Who Will Be Who in the 21st Century, The Dictionary of International Biography (23rd Edition), edited by The International Biographical Centre o f England i n 1993. Dr. Zhou is married, w i th a two-year-old son. He loves music, travelling, movies, and reading detective stories. He speaks Mandarin, English, and Japanese. Profiles 33
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