Bulletin Number Three 1986
* The Institute o f Chinese Studies held a seminar on ‘Gao Jian-Fu and the Japanese Influence in His Painting', conducted by Mr. Tsuruta Takeyoshi, Research Fellow and Head o f Photographic Archive, Tokyo National Research Institute o f Cultural Pro perties, on 19th May. * The English Language Teaching Unit organized aWorkshop on Microcomputer Applications in English Teaching, which took place at the Microcomputer Laboratory o f United College on 28th May. A t the Workshop, Professor Huang Jun, Associate Professor o f the Foreign Languages Department o f Jinan Univer sity, Guangzhou and Resident Fellow o f United College gave a demonstration o f an authoring package on 'Language Proficiency Test/Exercises', and Dr. Louie Crew o f the Department o f English o f this University gave a lecture on software on computer- aided text editing and revising strategies. * The Department o f Chemistry presented the following seminars: 一 ‘The Chemist and the Law', conducted by Mr. N.S. Lee o f the Government Laboratory, on 13th June. — ‘Stereo and Enantioselective Photoreactions in Inclusion Complexes', conducted by Dr. Koichi Tanaka, Department o f Industrial Chemistry, Faculty o f Engineering, Ehime University, Japan, on 14th July. 一 'Testicular Zinc Metabolism in a Mutant Rat Strain', conducted by Professor Wai Yee Chan, Department o f Paediatrics, University o f Oklahoma, USA, on 18th July. — 'Reactivity Control in Organized Assemblies w ith Carbohydrate Moieties', conducted by Professor Hui Yongzheng, Shanghai Institute o f Organic Chemistry, Academia Sinica, on 1st August. * New Asia College organized the following lectures and seminar conducted by its Ming Yu Visiting Scholars: - ‘Welfare Comparison o f Trade Situations',by Professor Wong Kar Yiu, Professor o f Inter national Trade, University o f Washington, on 19th June. — ‘The Methodological Problems in the Study o f Chinese Intellectual H istory', by Dr. Cheng Yang, Reviser, Chinese Service, United Nations, on 26th July. — 'Applications o f Photoacoustic Sensing Tech niques', by Dr. Andrew C. Tam , Manager o f the Nondestructive Materials Evaluation Department o f IBM Research Laboratory, USA, on 15th August. * The Department o f Physics presented a seminar on 'Holography and Its Applications to Medicine', conducted by Professor Gert von Bally, Department o f Medical Acoustics and Biophysics Laboratories, University o f Munster, West Germany, on 24th June. * The Management for the Executive Develop ment Programme o f the Extramural Studies Depart ment, and the Department o f Marketing and Inter national Business jo in tly organized a seminar on 'Global Marketing Strategies', which took place on 25th and 26th June at Furama Hotel Intercontinental. The speaker was Professor Philip Kotler, a renowned authority on marketing from the United States, who is currently Harold T. Martin Professor o f Marketing at Northwestern University. * The Department o f Electronics presented a seminar on 'Decentralized Optimal Control o f Large- Scale Systems', conducted by Professor Lu Qiang, Department o f Electrical Engineering, Colorado State University, on 4th July. * The A rt Gallery mounted the following exhibi tions: — The 'Graduation Exhibition o f the Depart ment o f Fine Arts' held on 21st and 22nd May. On display were works o f the fourteen graduates o f the department, including sculptures, prints, paintings, and calligraphy. — The exhibition o f Tainting by the Lingnan Masters' held from 31st May to 13th August. It featured a selection o f paintings by the Kao brothers from the Guangdong collection o f the A rt Gallery. Chinese ceramics, bronzes, objects for the scholar's desk and jade carv ings were also on display. * The Department o f Fine Arts held its Annual A rt Exhibition at the Exhibition Gallery , High Block o f the Hong Kong City Hall from 1st to 4th June. Sponsored by the Urban Council, the exhibition featured nearly ninety works o f art by the students o f the department, including Chinese painting and calligraphy, modem Chinese ink painting, oil painting, watercolour, and printmaking. 16 ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS
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