Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 7 Feb 1972
• Dr. Lam Yat-wah, Lecturer in Electronics, United College, attended a Conference/Exhibition on Production Machines and Tools for Electronic Equipment & Semiconductor Devices held in Tokyo from 19th to 22nd January. • Dr. James C.N. Ma, Lecturer in Chemistry at New Asia College, left for Japan on 22nd January at the invitation of Japan Electronic Optical Laboratory. His mission was to study the functions of the US$40,000 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer, purchased by the University. Dr. Ma wil l stay in Japan for about three weeks. • Mr. Alan Campbell, Representative of the John D. Rockefeller Third Fund, the United States , visited New Asia College on 22nd January. • Other visitors to the University included: Mr. K.S. Liao, a research worker at the Centre of Chinese Studies, University of Michigan and now co-organizer of the projected Asian Data Bank, and Mrs. Liao, Mr. Lo King- man, Senior Assistant Secretary of the University of Hong Kong; and Dr. William A. Overholt, Associate Dean of Student Affairs of Boston University. COLLEGE NEWS • The Rev. Alfred Eglin ceased to serve as member of the Board of Governors of Chung Chi College and has been replaced by Dr. Richard R. Deutsch. • The Hong Kong Council of Women has recently nominated Mrs. Major Will E. Krommenhoek, its Vice - Chairman, to serve on the United College Board of Trustees for a period of two years fro m 1st August, 1971. The College also welcomes the re-election to membership on the Board of Mr. Lau Chan-kwok for a further term of three years. • Dr. Y.P. Mei, President of New Asia College, hel d a series of meetings from 3rd to 12th January to discuss College affairs with members of the academic and administrative staff as well as the members of the Executive Committee of the College's Student Union and its Representative Council. • Dr. Feng Shih Yu, Lecturer and Chairman of the Physics Department, Chung Chi College, has been awarded a Senior Fellowship by the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas to do postdoctoral research at the University of Leeds from January to November 1972. • On 29th January, the Biology Department of New Asia College held a ceremony for the awarding of Dr. Au Shue-fun Memorial Scholarships to Mis s Fung See-man and Mr. Ho Yu-choi, both 2nd-year students of the Department. Dr. Y.P. Mei, College President, presente d the Scholarships. The scholarships, HKS 1,000 each, are awarded yearly to Biology students with goo d conduct and academic records. The scholarships have been established by the alumni and teachers of the Department in memory of the late Dr. Au, a graduate of the Department, who was killed in a traffic accident in the United States in October 1969. • In connection with its 15th Anniversary celebrations, United College recently produced tw o plays at the City Hall Theatre. Noel Coward's "Ways and Means”, a light comedy of one act, was an effort of the English Department. The second play, “Koxinger ”, was in Cantonese dialogue, and was ably directed by Mr. Pong Cheuk-lam, a staff member of the College Bursary, and a well-known actor on the loca l stage. • Over two hundred children between the ages of seven and twelve participated in a day of fun and games at a New Year's Party held on 23rd January at the Aplichau Kaifong School. The party was a joint effort of the United College Rotaract Club and the Rotary Club of H.K. Island West. - O n 29th January, the Student Union of New Asia College gave a reception for student representatives from local middle schools. A total of 43 representatives from 22 Chinese and Anglo-Chinese middle schools attended. • The Student Social Service Group of New Asia College held a Social Service Day on 16th January, to commemorate its third anniversary. • About 50 students of the Chien Chung Free School (a tuition-free secondary school whose teaching staff are mostly New Asia College's undergraduates) visited New Asia College on 21st January. -8-
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