Bulletin Spring‧Summer Autumn‧Winter 1999

first as a junior research fellow for three years and later as lecturer in economics. In 1975, he returned to New Zealand and j o i ned the University o f Canterbury as lecturer in economics, and was promoted to senior lecturer rank in 1976. In 1983 , he was employed by the University o f Texas at Austin as professor o f finance and economics, and had worked there until 1992, when he joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong as Wilson T.S. Wang Distinguished International Professor. He was appointed visiting professor in finance in 1993. Professor of Statistics Prof. Wing-hung Wong has been appointed professor o f statistics from 15th June 1994. Prof. Wong received his p r i ma ry and secondary education in Hong Kong. He then went to the United States and graduated f r om the Un i ve r s i ty o f Ca l i f o r n ia at Berkeley w i th a BA degree in mathematics and statistics in 1976. He pursued postgraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and obtained an MS degree in statistics in 1978, and an MS degree in computer science and a Ph.D. degree in statistics in 1980. Up on graduation, Prof. Wong j o i n e d the University o f Chicago as assistant professor o f statistics. He was promoted to associate professor in 1985, and chair professor in 1988. He had worked at the University of Chicago for 14 years before j o i n i ng The Chinese University this summer. Between May and July 1993 he was visiting professor of statistics at CUHK. Prof. Wong is a member o f Sigma X i , the American Statistical Association and the Royal Statistical Society. He is also a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (USA). Prof. Wong is married, and has two daughters. Professor of Community Medicine Dr. Lee Shiu-hung has been appointed professor o f community medicine from 4th M y 1994. Prof. Lee graduated with M B BS degrees f r om the University of Hong Kong in 1958, was awarded a diploma i n pub l ic health by the University of Singapore in 1963, and obtained his diploma in industrial health from the University of London in 1969. He was made Doctor of Medicine by the University of Hong Kong in 1992. Prof. Lee joined the civil service in 1960 and served the Medical and Health Department for 29 years, first as health officer and finally as Acting Director of Medical and Health Services. In 1989 w i th the establishment o f a new Department of Health, he was appointed Director of Health, and in that capacity he introduced a series o f reforms to improve the quality of local medical services. He retired from the civil service in June 1994. Prof. Lee has had extensive experience in preventive medicine, public health, health planning, epidemiology and medical administration, and is a fellow of many medical colleges and associations. He is president o f the Hong Kong College o f Community Medicine and serves on a large number of public committees. He was awarded 'WHO Health for A l l Meda l' i n 1988 by the Wo r l d Health Organization ( WHO) Regional Of f i ce for the Western Pacific in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the improvement of public health in Hong Kong. Prof. Lee is married, and has four children. Professor of Fine Arts Dr. Mayching Kao has been appointed professor of fine arts from 1st August 1994. Prof. Kao graduated from The Chinese University with a B A degree in fine arts in 1967, obtained an M A degree from the University of New Mexico in 1969, and a Ph.D. degree in oriental art history from Stanford University in 1972. After graduation, Prof. Kao joined The Chinese University as lecturer in art history and was promoted to senior lecturer rank in 1983. She has held a concurrent post of curator of the University's A r t Gallery since 1981. Prof. Kao's major research interests are history of Chinese paintings, history of Japanese art, and Sino-Japanese and Sino-Westem artistic exchanges. She also serves as member, trustee or honorary adviser of various art societies. Professor, English Language Teaching Unit Prof. Lyle Farris Bachman has been appointed professor of the English Language Teaching Unit from 18th August 1994. Prof. Bachman studied English at Indiana News in Brief 28