Bulletin Summer 1977

Medical Academic Advisory Committee Meets Overseas members o f the University's Medical Aca­ demic Advisory Committee visited Hong Kong in mid-April and the Committee held its second meeting from 11th to 15th April. The Committee consists of the following members: Professor W. H. Trethowan, Professor o f Psy­ chiatry, Birmingham University, (Chairman) Sir Melville Arnott, formerly Professor o f Medicine, Birmingham University Professor A.D.M. Greenfield, Dean & Professor o f Physiology, Nottingham University Professor A.P.M. Forrest, Professor o f Surgery, Edinburgh University Dr. John Z. Bowers, President, Macy Foundation, New York Professor J. B. Gibson, Dean & Professor o f Patho­ logy, University o f Hong Kong Dr. the Hon. K. L. Thong, Director o f Medical & Health Services, Hong Kong Dr. G. H. Choa, Dean o f Faculty o f Medicine The meeting was held to assess progress in general on the establishment o f the Medical Faculty, and the Schedules o f Accommodation for both the Basic Medical Sciences Building, which is to be erected on the campus, and the Teaching Hospital, which is to be erected in Shatin New Town. During their visit, meetings were held w ith the Vice-Chancellor and the Chairman o f the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee. Members were also taken on a tour o f the Eastern New Territories in order to familiarise them w ith the region which w ill be served by the Shatin Hospital as the Regional Hospital under the Medical & Health Department's regionalisation programme. The Committee confirmed that the target date for the first intake o f medical students w ill be the academic year 1980/81. Visitors The Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas has sponsored the visits o f four scholars to this University in 1976-77: Mr. Graham Storey, Lecturer in English, Cam­ bridge University, visited the University from 2nd to 11th June, 1976 as an External Examiner in English. Dr. Marjorie Reeves, a distinguished historian and former Vice-President o f St. Anne's College, Oxford, visited the University from 7th October to 16th December , 1976 as a consultant on the re­ organization o f our curricula and teaching in the light o f the Fulton Report and The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance 1976. Apart from her many discussion sessions w ith the Committee on Instruc­ tional Development, she conducted a Workshop on Student-orientated Teaching extending over 5 weeks. Professor D.B.G. Edwards, ICL Professor o f Computer Engineering, University o f Manchester, visited this University from 22nd February to 12th March, 1977 to advise the Computer Science Depart­ ment on programmes, syllabuses, etc. Dr. H. A. Kemhadjian, Senior Lecturer in Elec­ tronics, University o f Southampton, visited the Uni­ versity from 22nd February to 1st April, 1977 to advise the Electronics Department on the setting up o f the Epitaxy plant. President Derek Bok and other senior officers o f Harvard University visited the Chinese University. Picture shows (from left) Mr. Eugene Wu, Professor Ezra F. Vogel, Mrs. C. M. Li, Dr. Bok, Mr. T. J. Co ll idge, Dr. C. M. L i and Mr. William S. Olney