Bulletin Number Five 1985

Physics, Zhongshan University, on 10th December. * The Department of Accounting and Finance presented a public lecture on 'Trade between Australia/ New Zealand and the Far East’ by Mr. Richard Pilling of Auckland University, New Zealand, on 13th November. * Professor Li Yih-yuan, Fellow of Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and Ming Yu Visiting Scholar of New Asia College, delivered a lecture on 'Observation of Youth Subculture in Taiwan' on 14th November. The lecture was jointly organized by New Asia College and the Department of Anthropology. * The Department of Electronics and the United College jointly presented a seminar on ‘Trends and Prospect in Computer System Design' by Dr. Alan Jay Smith, Associate Professor of the Computer Service Division, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, on 14th November. * The University Instructional Media Services, with the assistance of the Office of Instructional Development, organized a Seminar on Educational Technology in Education and Training in four sessions on 18th November: —‘Education Technology in Education and Training' by Mr. Barry Hutchinson, Head of the Education Technology Unit, Hong Kong Polytechnic; —‘The Use of Visual Material in the Classroom' by Dr. J R. Moss, Head of the Education Programme Services, Independent Broadcasting Authority of Great Britain; —‘Computer Literacy in Undergraduate Education' by Professor T.C. Chen, Head of United College; —‘Presentation Technique in Multi-Media Learning Packages' by Mrs. Grace Cheung, Chief Public Education Officer, Independent Commission Against Corruption. * The Department of Chemistry presented the following seminars: —'Photocycloaddition and Chemiluminescence' by Professor N.C. Yang of the Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, on 18th November; —'Free Radical Chain Reactions of Organomercurials' by Professor Glen A. Russell of the Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, on 22nd November; —‘Chemistry of Secopenicillin' by Dr. C.P. Mak, Sandoz Forschungsinstitut, Austria, on 29th November. * Professor T.H. Barton, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada, conducted a seminar on 'Variable Frequency, Variable Speed AC Drives' on 18th November. The seminar was jointly organized by the Departments of Electronics and Physics. * The Overseas Chinese Archives, Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies, presented two lectures by Professor Lin Jinzhi, Associate Professor of Nanyang Research Institute of Xiamen University: —‘The Problems of Overseas Chinese Investment in Contemporary China' on 19th November; —'Current Researches on History of Overseas Chinese in Mainland China: Retrospect and Prospects' on 20th November. The lecture was jointly presented with the Institute of Chinese Studies. * At the invitation of the Department of Statistics, Professor R.E. Kalman, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, conducted a seminar on 'Realization Theory: Exact and Noisy Data' on 19th November. * The United College organized a ‘Science and Technology Festival' from 23rd October to 22nd November as part of its anniversary celebration. The Festival aimed at introducing the applications of modem technology in various academic fields and enabling students to have a better understanding of the great development of present-day technology and its far-reaching impact on our society. The programme consisted of exhibitions, visits and lectures. Projects for exhibition included 'Compute Music', ‘Comet Halley', 'Risigo: a new bicycle, cowboy style', and 'Computer Chinese Chess', etc. Lectures/panel discussions were held on the following topics: ‘The limitations of Science', 'The Theories and Applications of Assisted Blood Circulatio ‘Recent Technological Advances in Treating Sports Injuries' and ‘Comet Halley'. * Professor Lawrence R. Klein, Professor of the University of Pennsylvania and the 1980 Nobel Laureate in Economics, delivered a public lecture on 'Modelling the Chinese Economy and Its Internati Economic Relationships' on 25th November. The lecture was sponsored by the United States Informat 40 ACADEMIC/CULTURAL EVENTS