Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2000

Monitoring o f C a n t e e n O p e r a t i o n s All canteens on campus have their own management committees to h e lp ma i n t a i n a n d i mp r o v e hygienic conditions. In April this year, a Canteen Service Officer was recruited to work closely with the ma n a g eme n t committees of the c a n t e e n s to ov e r s e e c a n t e en operations and facilitate p r omp t rectification of irregularities. To pu t r e s ou r c es to be t t er u s e a nd to i mp r o ve servic e quality, t he canteens in the Benjamin Franklin Centre n o w take turns to close on Saturdays and Sundays. R a i s i n gEnvironmentalAwareness Ap a rt f r om encou r ag i ng th e Office of University General Education t o launch mor e courses in environmental issues, the University has plan s to organize a wide range of activities to p r omo t e environmental awareness . It also encourages student b o d i e s , colleges, d e p a r t me n t s, a n d units to form small groups to look into specific issue s that are of c on c e rn t o t h em . The He a l th Education Unit of the Un i v e r s i t y He a l t h Service, for example, regularly holds healt h promotion activities and health assessment p r o g r ammes o n themes like travel health, canteen hygiene, and food safety. Through proactive publicity, educational programmes, and environmental awareness events, the University hopes to effect a behavioural change in its members and achieve a sense of cohesiveness among the campu s community in its efforts to protect the environment. Health promotion activity of the University Health Service From Local to Global As our economy becomes more developed, and our society more prosperous, more harm is likely to be done to the natural environment. If nothing is done urgently to readjust the balance between development and environmental protection, drinking water may one day be unpotable, the air unbreathable, and rubbish, undisposable due to the lack of space. The Chinese University believes in continuous self-improvement as an environmentally responsible organization. Constant vigilance has been exercised for the preservation of its campus — one of the most beautiful in this part of the world. And only by setting good examples can it spread the message of environmental protection to the rest of Hong Kong and the world. A Campus Green and Clean 51