Calendar 2007–08
College Boards of Trustees 53 Part 2 Mr. John K.H. Li 李國謙 Mr. Eddie T.Y. Lu 陸增鏞 Mr. S.H. Sung 宋常康 College academics and others Prof. Leung Yuen-sang 梁元生 ( Head of College ) The Rev. Dr. Ng Wai Man 伍渭文 ( Chaplain ) Prof. Cheung Yuet Wah 張越華 ( Fellow ) Prof. Leung Yee 梁怡 ( Fellow ) Mr. Lo Foo Cheung 羅富昌 ( Chinese Christian Universities Alumni Association ) Mr. Luk Ping Chuen 陸炳泉 ( College Alumni Association ) Mr. Ma Siu Leung 馬紹良 ( College Alumni Association ) Secretary Mrs. Angeline K.Y. Kwok 郭譚潔瑩 New Asia College Chairman Dr. Chou Wen-hsien 周文軒 Vice-Chairmen Mr. Charles Y.W. Leung 梁英偉 Ms. Leung Hung Kee 梁雄姬 ex officio Members Prof. Henry N.C. Wong 黃乃正 ( Head of College ) Mr. Li Wangsheng 李旺盛 ( Associate Director and Director of China Office, Yale-China Association ) Members nominated by the Yale Club of Hong Kong Mr. Randolph C. Kwei 桂徵麒 Mr. Nelson L. Miu 繆亮 Member nominated by The Chinese University of Hong Kong Dr. Fung Kwok-lun, William 馮國綸 Member nominated by the University of Hong Kong Prof. K.S. Cheng 鄭廣生 Members nominated by the College Alumni Association Mr. Heung Shu-fai 香樹輝 Mr. Tong Wai Chuen 湯惠泉
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