Bulletin Number One 1983
Counc i l Appo i n tmen ts * Dr. the Hon. P.C. Woo and Sir Run Run Shaw have been re-elected by the Board of Trustees of United College as members of the University Council for a further period of three years, beginning 16th March, 1983, upon the expiry of their current terms of office. * The Hon. Maria Tam Wai-chu has been elected by the Unofficial Members of the Legislative Council as a member of the University Council to replace the Hon. Lydia Dunn, who was appointed Treasurer of the University. The Unexpired term of Miss Dunn is from 24th October, 1982 to 17th October, 1984. * The University Council, at its meeting on 7th December, 1982, approved the re-appointment of Professor G.H. Choa and Professor Bay-sung Hsu as Pro-Vice -Chancellors, each for a term of two years, upon the expiry of their present terms of office on 28th February, 1983. News on Commi t tees Budget Committee A Budget Committee has been set up to provide coordination of planning and financial control throughout the University. Its membership is as follows: Chairman: Professor Bay-sung Hsu Members: Dr. Philip Fu Professor D.C. Lau Dr. Rance Lee Professor L.B. Thrower Ex-officio Members: Bursar Registrar Secretary Secretary: Dr. Stanislaus Hu Assistant Secretary: Mr. Paul Wong The term of appointment is two academic years (except for the ex-officio members), beginning 1982. The terms of reference of the Committee are: (a) to make recommendation to the Administrative and Planning Committee (AAPC) on all matters concerning financial procedure and planning; and (b) to undertake such other tasks as may be referred by AAPC. Sub-Committee for Emergency Bursaries and Loam A Sub-Committee for Emergency Bursaries and Loans has been established under the Senate Committee on University Scholarships. Membership of the Sub- Committee is as follows: Chairman: Dr. C.Y. Lee Representing the Chairman of the Senate Committee on University Scholarships Members: Mr. B.H. Mok Dean of Students , Chung Chi College Dr. Y.C.Wong Dean of Students , New Asia College Dr. K.P. Fung Dean of Students, United College Dr. Y.M.Choy Director of Student Affairs Mr. Ha Kam Wai Student member of the Joint Committee on Student Finance Secretary: Miss Susanna Chan Representing the Secretary of the Senate Committee on University Scholarships The terms of reference of the Sub-Committee are: (a) to monitor the allocation of emergency bursaries and loans in the University; (b) to handle cases of appeal and hardships falling outside the Joint Committee on Student Finance Scheme and to recommend awards appropriate to such cases; and (c) to report its proceedings annually to the main Committee, i.e. the Senate Committee on University Scholarships. New Member Appointed to AAC and Senate APC The Director of Student Affairs has been appointed a member of the Administrative Affairs Committee (AAC), and has been invited as an observer of the University Council. The membership of the Senate Academic Planning Committee (APC) has also been enlarged to include the Director as an ex-officio member. 12 NEWS
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